group by range

  1. 建立测试表

testdb=# CREATE TEMP TABLE team (
id serial,
name text,
birth_year integer,
salary integer

  1. 插入记录

testdb=# INSERT INTO team (name,birth_year,salary)
VALUES ('Gabriel',1970,44000),

  1. 查询结果

testdb=# WITH series AS (
SELECT generate_series(1950,2000,10) AS time_start -- 1950 = min,2010 = max,10 = 10 year interval
),range AS (
SELECT time_start,(time_start + 9) AS time_end FROM series -- 9 = interval (10 years) minus 1
SELECT time_start,time_end,
(SELECT count(*) FROM team WHERE birth_year BETWEEN time_start AND time_end) as team_members,
round((SELECT AVG(salary) FROM team WHERE birth_year BETWEEN time_start AND time_end),2) as salary_avg,
(SELECT MIN(salary) FROM team WHERE birth_year BETWEEN time_start AND time_end) as salary_min,
(SELECT MAX(salary) FROM team WHERE birth_year BETWEEN time_start AND time_end) as salary_max
FROM range;


time_start | time_end | team_members | salary_avg | salary_min | salary_max
1950 | 1959 | 0 | | |
1960 | 1969 | 2 | 48150.00 | 39400 | 56900
1970 | 1979 | 4 | 36575.00 | 26800 | 44000
1980 | 1989 | 4 | 43125.00 | 23000 | 87000
1990 | 1999 | 3 | 45533.33 | 40000 | 55000
2000 | 2009 | 0 | | |
(6 rows)



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来源: 8.1. 数字类型 数字类型由2、4或8字节的整数以及4或8...
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