postgresql – 如何连接C#与Postgres?



这是一个演练, Using PostgreSQL in your C# (.NET) application (An introduction)

In this article,I would like to show
you the basics of using a Postgresql
database in your .NET application. The
reason why I’m doing this is the lack
of Postgresql articles on CodeProject
despite the fact that it is a very
good RDBMS. I have used Postgresql
back in the days when PHP was my main
programming language,and I
thought…. well,why not use it in my
C# application.



来源: 4.1.1. 标识符和关键词 SQL标识符和关键词必须以一个...
来源: 8.1. 数字类型 数字类型由2、4或8字节的整数以及4或8...
来源: 5.1. 表基础 SQL并不保证表中行的顺序。当一个表被读...
来源: 6.4. 从修改的行中返回数据 有时在修改行的操作过程中...
来源: 13.2.1. 读已提交隔离级别 读已提交是PostgreSQL中的...
来源: 9.7. 模式匹配 PostgreSQL提供了三种独立的实现模式匹...