您的问题可以看作是Bin Packing的变种.对于这类问题,混合整数规划(线性规划的一种变体)是我认为的最佳选择.你需要一个MIP求解器,因为你不想自己编程.可能最好的免费版本可以在COIN-OR库中找到:CLP / CBC.这对于小型MIP问题是可以接受的,但是对于较大的MIP问题可能会遇到麻烦.对于纯LP问题,它非常好,但对于您的特定问题,您需要积分决策变量,因此需要MIP.对于工业级MIP问题,您需要一个商业解算器.选择CPLEX,Xpress或Gurobi.他们都非常出色.
:- lib(eplex). :- lib(random). :- lib(listut). :- local struct(attendee(choices,reserve,workshops)). generate_attendees(NA,NW,NC,NR,Atts) :- seed(1),% always generate the same set ( for(I,1,NW),foreach(I,WD) do true ),( for(_I,NA),foreach(Att,Atts),param(NC,WD) do Att = attendee{},generate_choices(Att,WD) ). generate_choices(Att,WD) :- ( for(_I,NC),fromto(WD,DI,DO,RD),foreach(C,Choices) do select_course(DI,C,DO) ),NR),fromto(RD,_),foreach(R,Reserve) do select_course(DI,R,Att = attendee{choices:Choices,reserve:Reserve}. select_course(L,E,RL) :- length(L,LL),random(R),N is R mod LL,nth0(N,L,RL). solve_with_mip(Atts,NA,Excl) :- decision_vars(NA,Decs),workshop_visits(Decs,workshop_choices(Atts,Decs,Cost),workshop_exclusions(Decs,Excl),% set up solver and solve eplex:eplex_solver_setup(min(Cost),Cost,[],[]),eplex:eplex_solve(Result),printf("Found solution with cost: %w%n",[Result]),% retrieve solution eplex:eplex_get(vars,Vars),eplex:eplex_get(typed_solution,Vals),Vars = Vals,retrieve_solution(Atts,NW). % make array of decision variables decision_vars(NA,Decs):- dim(Decs,[NA,NW]),( multifor(Idx,foreach(D,Ds),param(Decs) do subscript(Decs,Idx,D),eplex:(D $>= 0),eplex:(D $=< 1) ),eplex:integers(Ds). % each attendee visits NC workshops workshop_visits(Decs,NC) :- ( for(AIdx,param(Decs,NC) do ( for(WIdx,fromto(0,D+R,Sum),param(AIdx,Decs) do subscript(Decs,[AIdx,WIdx],D) ),eplex:(Sum $= NC) ). % each attendee must not visit a workshop not in % her list of choices or reserve choices % choosing a reserve workshop induces a unit cost workshop_choices(Atts,Cost):- ( for(AIdx,CI,CO,NW) do Att = attendee{choices:Cs,reserve:Rs},( for(WIdx,fromto(CI,ACI,ACO,CO),AIdx,Cs,Rs) do ( memberchk(WIdx,Cs) -> % choices do not induce cost ACO = ACI ; memberchk(WIdx,Rs) -> % reserves induce unit cost % (if decision variable is 1) subscript(Decs,ACO = ACI + D ; % other workshops must not be chosen subscript(Decs,eplex:(D $= 0),ACO = ACI ) ) ). % some workshops overlap,so exclude each other workshop_exclusions(Decs,Excl) :- ( foreach(W1-W2,NA) do ( for(AIdx,W1,W2) do subscript(Decs,W1],D1),subscript(Decs,W2],D2),eplex:(D1+D2 $=< 1) ) ). % retrieve workshopnumbers for attendees retrieve_solution(Atts,NW) :- ( for(AIdx,NW) do ( for(WIdx,fromto([],WI,WO,Ws),AIdx) do subscript(Decs,( D == 1 -> WO = [WIdx|WI] ; WO = WI ) ),Att = attendee{workshops:Ws} ). test(Atts) :- NA = 300,NW = 6,NC = 3,NR = 2,% list of exclusions Excl = [1-2,1-3,3-4,5-6],generate_attendees(NA,cputime(T1),solve_with_mip(Atts,cputime(T2),D1 is T2-T1,printf("Found solution with MIP in %w seconds.%n",[D1]).
?- test(Atts). Found solution with cost: 219.0 Found solution with MIP in 0.119999999999997 seconds. Atts = [attendee([2,3,4],[5,6],[6,2]),attendee(...),...] Yes (0.12s cpu)
即,在解决方案中,有219名与会者被安排在预备选择中.请注意,这纯粹是由于重叠排除约束,因为模型中的车间规模没有容量限制.为第一位与会者选定的研讨会是2,3和6. [2,4]的第一选择是不可行的,因为研讨会3和4重叠. (我已经从答案中删除了其余的与会者)
对于此测试,我使用了COIN-OR库中的免费CLP / CBC解算器,该解算器包含在ECLiPSe发行版中. COIN-OR还为C和Python提供API库.
这是第二个版本,这次使用Constraint Logic Programming.约束编程是另一种精确的解决方法.在这里,我使用不同的模型:
:- lib(ic). :- lib(random). :- lib(lists). :- lib(listut). :- local struct(attendee(choices,workshops)). solve_with_clp(Atts,Excl) :- decision_vars_clp(NA,workshop_choices_clp(Atts,CostSum),workshop_exclusions_clp(Decs,Excl,BestOrder),% solve Cost #= eval(CostSum),% order for labeling worskhops % start with workshop with fewest exclusions % should be computed! label(Decs,Atts,[Cost]),% retrieve solution retrieve_solution_clp(Atts,NA). % search solution label(Decs,BestOrder) :- ( foreacharg(A,param(BestOrder) do Att = attendee{choices:Cs,label_att(A,Rs,BestOrder) ). label_att(A,BestOrder) :- ( foreacharg(C,A),param(Cs,BestOrder) do ( member(V,memberchk(V,Cs) ; member(V,Rs) ),C #= V ). % make array of decision variables % for each attendee,one variable for every visited course is created decision_vars_clp(NA,NC]),D) ),Ds #:: 1..NW,% for each attendee,each variable must have a different value ( for(AIdx,NC) do ( for(CIdx,Cs),CIdx],C) ),alldifferent(Cs),% break symmetry by requiring ascending order Cs = [H|T],( foreach(C,T),fromto(H,_) do C #> L ) ). % each attendee must not visit a workshop not in % her list of choices or reserve choices % choosing a reserve workshop induces a unit cost workshop_choices_clp(Atts,NC) do Att = attendee{choices:Cs,% make list of costs functor(RCost,c,( for(I,param(Rs,RCost) do ( memberchk(I,Rs) -> arg(I,RCost,1) ; arg(I,0) ) ),RCost =.. [_|RCL],% remove unwanted workshops ( for(CIdx,NW) do subscript(Decs,C),( for(I,C) do ( ( memberchk(I,Cs) ; memberchk(I,Rs) ) -> true ; C #\= I ) ) ),% add costs for workshops ( for(CIdx,RCL) do subscript(Decs,element(C,RCL,CCost),ACO = ACI+CCost ) ). % some workshops overlap,so exclude each other % assumption: W1 < W2 % also compute best order to label workshops: % start with lowest number of overlaps workshop_exclusions_clp(Decs,BestOrder) :- ( foreach(W1-W2,[AIdx],ACs),ACs =.. [_|ACList],( fromto(ACList,[H|T],T,[_]),param(W1,W2) do ( foreach(N,param(H,W2) do ( H #= W1 => N #\= W2 ),( N #= W2 => H #\= W1 ) ) ) ) ),% compute best order for labeling workshops ( for(W,foreach(C-W,CWs),param(Excl) do ( foreach(W1-W2,I,O,param(W) do ( memberchk(W,[W1,W2]) -> O is I+1 ; O = I ) ) ),sort(CWs,SCWs),( foreach(_-W,foreach(W,BestOrder) do true ). % retrieve workshop numbers for attendees retrieve_solution_clp(Atts,NA) :- ( for(AIdx,AD),AD =.. [_|Ws],Att = attendee{workshops:Ws} ). test(Atts1) :- NA = 300,Atts1),solve_with_clp(Atts1,D is T2-T1,printf("Found solution with CLP in %w seconds.%n",[D]).
?- test(A). Found solution with cost: 219 Found solution with CLP in 0.330000000000002 seconds. A = [attendee([2,[2,4,5]),...] Yes (0.34s cpu,solution 1,maybe more)