nginx add_header在我的某个位置无效

我使用Nginx 1.10.1配置与此类似:

server {


    add_header Header1 "value";


    # in this location above add_header directive works
    location / {
         uwsgi_pass unix:/var/run/some.sock;


    # ..and it this one it doesn't!
    location ~* (^/$|favicon.ico|robots.txt) {
        return 204;
        expires 24h;
        add_header Cache-Control "public";
        etag on;




(我也试着总是添加到我的add_header Header1 ……但这是一个相当绝望的尝试,因为它不应该帮助 – 而且它没有.)

The documentation州:

These directives are inherited from the prevIoUs level if and only if
there are no add_header directives defined on the current level

add_header Cache-Control“public”的存在;防止该块继承add_header Header1“value”;.


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