“documentation” for the compiler完全值得“文档”这个词的空气引用,因为它基本上是一个存根(例如,与
linker documentation不同).对于历史记录,这里完全是编译器文档:
The Windows Installer XML compiler is exposed by candle.exe. Candle is
responsible for preprocessing the input .wxs files into valid
well-formed XML documents against the WiX schema,wix.xsd. Then,each
post-processed source file is compiled into a .wixobj file.The compilation process is relatively straight forward. The WiX schema
lends itself to a simple recursive descent parser. The compiler
processes each element in turn creating new symbols,calculating the
necessary references and generating the raw data for the .wixobj file.
-arch set architecture defaults for package,components,etc. values: x86,x64,or ia64 (default: x86)
在一个相关的问题,Platform identification in WiX 3.0,有关于可能发生的事情的one answer with a sliver of hint,但这还不够,我不知道它是否准确.
> -arch参数与设置Package / @ Platform属性具有相同的效果,还是更多?
>什么是架构“默认”?显式Package / @ Platform属性是否覆盖命令行?或相反亦然?或者(更好的是)如果存在不一致的平台声明会出现错误吗?
另一个相关问题WIX: is the Platform attribute of the Package element truly deprecated?讨论了Package / @ Platform属性,但未解决命令行参数.
warning CNDL1034 : The built-in preprocessor variable '$(sys.PLATFORM)' is deprecated. Please correct your authoring to use the new '$(sys.BUILDARCH)' preprocessor variable instead.
<?if $(sys.BUILDARCH)="x86"?> <?define Minimum_Version="100"?> <?define Program_Files="ProgramFilesFolder"?> <?elseif $(sys.BUILDARCH)="x64"?> <?define Minimum_Version="200"?> <?define Program_Files="ProgramFiles64Folder"?> <?else?> <?error Unsupported value of sys.BUILDARCH=$(sys.BUILDARCH)?> <?endif?>
<Package [...] InstallerVersion="$(var.Minimum_Version)" /> <Directory Id="$(var.Program_Files)"> [...] </Directory>