<li id="item_1"> <div class="note"> This is the text that shows when this element is truncated <span style="display: none;" class="truncate_ellipsis">...</span> <span style="display: inline;" class="truncate_more">This is the text that will be hidden if the user clicks on the 'hide' button</span> </div> <div class="toggle_wrapper"> <div class="note_toggle"> <a href="#" class="truncate_more_link">Hide note</a> </div> <div style="display: block;" class="note_controls"> <span class="edit_note"><a href="#note_textfield" id="edit_note_1">Edit</a></span> | <span class="delete_note"><a href="#" id="delete_note_1">Delete</a></span> </div> </div> </li>
$('.edit_note a').click(function(event){ // Get the parent li of the 'edit' link that was clicked var parentLi = $(this).closest('li'); // fade out the li that's being edited parentLi.fadeOut('fast'); // remove the '...' that shows when the note is truncated parentLi.find('.truncate_ellipsis').remove(); // find the 'note' div within the li that's being edited var currentNote = parentLi.find('.note'); // grab the id of this note... used when saving to the DB var noteId = $(this).attr('id').substr(10); // Set the current note id variable and editing status currentNoteId = noteId; currentNoteStatus = 'edit'; //add the note ID as a hidden field to the text editor form $('input[name$="note_id"]').val(noteId); // grab the text from this note and add it to the text area // (textarea id is 'notes_content') $('#notes_content').val($.trim(currentNote.text()); // this is the text area // fade in the text area so the user can edit $('div.notes_textarea').fadeIn(); });
function nl2br (str,is_xhtml) { var breakTag = (is_xhtml || typeof is_xhtml === 'undefined') ? '<br />' : '<br>'; return (str + '').replace(/([^>\r\n]?)(\r\n|\n\r|\r|\n)/g,'$1'+ breakTag +'$2'); }
这一切在firefox / chrome / opera / safari中运行良好…但是,IE通过jQuery text()函数抓取文本时摆脱了换行符.这个在jQuery文档的本页评论中讨论:
>从字符串中删除所有span标记而不删除span的内容(我的truncate函数添加了一个带有“truncate_more”类的span …请参阅上面的HTML代码)
或..如果有人知道这个IE / textarea / linebreak问题的更好的解决方法,我真的很感激白痴指导:)
编辑:’TheJuice下面的答案适用于br / IE换行问题(谢谢!),但我需要执行类似的正则表达式来摆脱跨度,因为它们只封装了一些文本.我尝试了以下,这似乎在Firefox中运行良好,但在IE中,跨度仍然存在:
var withBRs = currentNote.html(); var textWithBreaks = withBRs.replace(/\<br\>/gi,'\r'); textWithBreaks = textWithBreaks.replace(/\<.*span.*\>/g,'');
function htmlDecodeWithLineBreaks(html) { var breakToken = '_______break_______',lineBreakedHtml = html.replace(/<br\s?\/?>/gi,breakToken).replace(/<p\.*?>(.*?)<\/p>/gi,breakToken + '$1' + breakToken); return $('<div>').html(lineBreakedHtml).text().replace(new RegExp(breakToken,'g'),'\n'); }
htmlDecodeWithLineBreaks('line 1<br>line & 2<br />' + 'line > 3<p>paragraph 1</p>line 4')
line 1 line & 2 line > 3 paragraph 1 line 4