无论如何,this has been also asked on the WiX-users list在最近几周的很多次,最好的反应,我可以找到这是从布莱尔:
An MSI marked as 64-bit simply will not install on a 32-bit system. Nothing
you can do.An MSI marked as 32-bit simply cannot place files into a “64-bit directory”
(they will be redirected to 32-bit “equivalent” folders). Nothing you can
do.An MSI cannot be marked as both 32- and 64-bit. Also nothing you can do.
The “correct” method is to generate two MSIs,one for 32-bit platforms and another for 64-bit platforms. They can share the same external cab files if you need to ship them together to save space. If you do that,you can use a bootstrapper to extract the appropriate one with your CAB(s) and install it.