- #pragma mark
- #pragma mark - get system time
- -(BOOL)getSystemTimeFormat
- {
- NSString *strDateFormate = @"hh a";
- NSString *dateFormat = [NSDateFormatter dateFormatFromTemplate:strDateFormate options:0 locale:[NSLocale currentLocale]];
- if ([dateFormat rangeOfString:@"h"].location != NSNotFound)
- {
- [kNSUserDefaults setBool:YES forKey:@"TimeFormat"];
- [kNSUserDefaults synchronize];
- return YES;
- }
- else
- {
- [kNSUserDefaults setBool:NO forKey:@"TimeFormat"];
- [kNSUserDefaults synchronize];
- return NO;
- }
- }
2015-01-27 11:32:16.090 [350:60b] 12 Formate :: 0
2015-01-27 11:32:16.585 [350:60b] Connect
2015-01-27 11:32:16.591 [350:60b] Loction update…
2015-01-27 11:32:16.604 [350:60b] Loction update…
2015-01-27 11:32:16.622 [350:60b] Loction update…
2015-01-27 11:33:35.785 [364:60b] 12 Formate :: 1
2015-01-27 11:33:36.777 [364:60b] Connect
2015-01-27 11:33:36.780 [364:60b] Loction update…
2015-01-27 11:33:36.806 [364:60b] Loction update…
2015-01-27 11:33:36.832 [364:60b] Loction update…
这使用一个特殊的日期模板字符串“j”.根据ICU Spec,“j”…
Requests the preferred hour format for the locale (h,H,K,or k),as determined by whether h,or k is used in the standard short time format for the locale. In the implementation of such an API,‘j’ must be replaced by h,or k before beginning a match against availableFormats data. Note that use of ‘j’ in a skeleton passed to an API is the only way to have a skeleton request a locale’s preferred time cycle type (12-hour or 24-hour).
That last sentence is important. It “is the only way to have a skeleton request a locale’s preferred time cycle type”. Since NSDateFormatter and NSCalendar are built on the ICU library,the same holds true here.
- #pragma mark
- #pragma mark - get system time
- -(BOOL)getSystemTimeFormat
- {
- NSString *strDateFormate = @"j";
- NSString *dateFormat = [NSDateFormatter dateFormatFromTemplate:strDateFormate options:0 locale:[NSLocale currentLocale]];
- if ([dateFormat rangeOfString:@"a"].location != NSNotFound)
- {
- [kNSUserDefaults setBool:YES forKey:@"TimeFormat"];
- [kNSUserDefaults synchronize];
- return YES;
- }
- else
- {
- [kNSUserDefaults setBool:NO forKey:@"TimeFormat"];
- [kNSUserDefaults synchronize];
- return NO;
- }
- }
我从以下链接How can I determine if iPhone is set for 12 hour or 24 hour time display?找到了这个解决方案.