最终目标是允许用户从电子表格(如MS Excel)复制数据并粘贴到rhandontable对象中的应用程序,包括指定颜色名称或十六进制代码的文本.用户可以通过覆盖文本或通过光标操作从选择器中选择颜色来编辑颜色.该应用程序后来将采用这些输入,执行计算,并以指定的颜色绘制图形.
以下是一些示例代码,显示两次尝试失败.任何建议将不胜感激.另外我也不了解JavaScript. colourpicker和rhandsontable小插曲是优秀的资源,但我仍然无法理解.
library(shiny); library(rhandsontable); library(colourpicker) hotDF <- data.frame(Value = 1:4,Status = TRUE,Name = LETTERS[1:4],Date = seq(from = Sys.Date(),by = "days",length.out = 4),Colour = sapply(1:4,function(i) { paste0( '<div class="form-group shiny-input-container" data-shiny-input-type="colour"> <input id="myColour',i,'" type="text" class="form-control shiny-colour-input" data-init-value="#FFFFFF" data-show-colour="both" data-palette="square"/> </div>' )}),stringsAsFactors = FALSE) testColourInput <- function(DF){ ui <- shinyUI(fluidPage( rHandsontableOutput("hot") )) server <- shinyServer(function(input,output) { DF2 <- transform(DF,Colour = c(sapply(1:4,function(x) { jsonlite::toJSON(list(value = "black")) }))) #create DF2 for attempt #2 output$hot <- renderRHandsontable({ #Attempt #1 = use the HTML renderer #Results in no handsontable AND no HTML table <-- why no HTML table too? rhandsontable(DF) %>% hot_col(col = "Colour",renderer = "html") #Attempt #2 = use colourWidget #Results are the same as above. #rhandsontable(DF2) %>% # hot_col(col = "Colour",renderer = htmlwidgets::JS("colourWidget")) }) }) #close shinyServer runApp(list(ui=ui,server=server)) } #close testColorInput function testColourInput(DF = hotDF)
library(shiny); library(rhandsontable); library(colourpicker) #Colour cells ideally would be a colourInput() control similar to the Date input control hotDF <- data.frame(Value = 1:4,function(i) { paste0( '<div class="form-group shiny-input-container" data-shiny-input-type="colour"> <input id="myColour','" type="text" class="form-control shiny-colour-input" data-init-value="#FFFFFF" data-show-colour="both" data-palette="square"/> </div>' )}),stringsAsFactors = FALSE) testColourInput <- function(DF){ ui <- shinyUI(fluidPage( sidebarLayout( sidebarPanel( #Standalone colour Input colourInput("myColour",label = "Just the color control:",value = "#000000"),br(),HTML("Build the colour Input from HTML tags:"),HTML(paste0( "<div class='form-group shiny-input-container' data-shiny-input-type='colour'> <input id='myColour",999,"' type='text' class='form-control shiny-colour-input' data-init-value='#FFFFFF' data-show-colour='both' data-palette='square'/> </div>" )) ),mainPanel( HTML("Failed attempt"),rHandsontableOutput("hot"),HTML("Success,but this is not a rhandsontable"),uIoUtput("tableWithColourInput") ) ) )) server <- shinyServer(function(input,output) { #create DF2 for attempt #2 DF2 <- transform(DF,function(x) { jsonlite::toJSON(list(value = "black")) }))) output$hot <- renderRHandsontable({ #Attempt #1 = use the HTML renderer #Results in no handsontable AND no HTML table <-- why no HTML table too? rhandsontable(DF) %>% hot_col(col = "Colour",renderer = "html") #Attempt #2 = use colourWidget #Results are the same as above. #rhandsontable(DF2) %>% # hot_col(col = "Colour",renderer = htmlwidgets::JS("colourWidget")) #Uncomment below to see the table without html formatting #rhandsontable(DF) #^This line was uncommented to obtain the screengrab }) #HTML table myHTMLtable <- data.frame(Variable = LETTERS[1:4],Select = NA) output$tableWithColourInput <- renderUI({ #create table cells rowz <- list() #Fill out table cells [i,j] with static elements for( i in 1:nrow( myHTMLtable )) { rowz[[i]] <- tags$tr(lapply( myHTMLtable[i,1:ncol(myHTMLtable)],function( x ) { tags$td( HTML(as.character(x)) ) } ) ) } #Add colourInput() to cells in the "Select" column in myHTMLtable for( i in 1:nrow( myHTMLtable ) ) { #Note: in the list rowz: # i = row; [3] = row information; children[1] = table cells (list of 1); # $Select = Column 'Select' rowz[[i]][3]$children[[1]]$Select <- tags$td( colourInput(inputId = as.character(paste0("inputColour",i)),label = NULL,value = "#000000") ) } mybody <- tags$tbody( rowz ) tags$table( tags$style(HTML( ".shiny-html-output th,td {border: 1px solid black;}" )),tags$thead( tags$tr(lapply( c("Variable!","Colour!"),function( x ) tags$th(x))) ),mybody ) #close tags$table }) #close renderUI }) #close shinyServer runApp(list(ui=ui,server=server)) } #close testColorInput function testColourInput(DF = hotDF)
library(shiny); library(rhandsontable); library(colourpicker) DF <- data.frame(Value = 1:4,function(i) { as.character(colourInput(paste0("colour",i),NULL)) }),stringsAsFactors = FALSE) ui <- shinyUI(fluidPage( rHandsontableOutput("hot"),verbatimTextOutput("test"))) server <- shinyServer(function(input,output) { output$hot <- renderRHandsontable({ rhandsontable(DF,allowedTags = "<div><input>") %>% hot_col(5,renderer = htmlwidgets::JS("html")) %>% hot_col(5,renderer = htmlwidgets::JS("safeHtmlRenderer")) }) output$test <- renderPrint({ sapply(1:4,function(i) { input[[paste0("colour",i)]] }) }) }) shinyApp(ui=ui,server=server)
问题是< input> colourInput内部的元素变成一个可直接输入,防止闪烁的JS代码转换成闪亮的输入.
library(shiny); library(rhandsontable); library(colourpicker) DF <- data.frame(Value = 1:4,Colour = 1:4 }),renderer = htmlwidgets::JS(" function(instance,td,row,col,prop,value,cellProperties) { var y = document.createElement('input'); y.setAttribute('id','colour'+ value);y.setAttribute('type','text'); y.setAttribute('class','form-control shiny-colour-input'); y.setAttribute('data-init-value','#FFFFFF'); y.setAttribute('data-show-colour','both'); y.setAttribute('data-palette','square'); td.appendChild(y); return td; } ")) }) output$test <- renderPrint({ sapply(1:4,server=server)