Golang(3)Control Flow and Functions

Golang(3)Control Flow and Functions

2.3 Control Flow and Functions
Control Flow
if x := computedValue(); x > 10 {

For example:
if x := 100 / 3; x > 10 {
fmt.Println("x is greater than 10,x = ",x)
} else {
fmt.Println("x is less than 10,x)

The console output is as follow:
x is greater than 10,x = 33

if integer == 3 {

}else if integer < 3{

}else {


I hope I will not use this key word.

for expression1; expression2; expression3 {}

for index:=0;index<10;index++ {
sum += index

sum: =1
for ; sum < 1000; {
sum +=sum

Or alternatively
sum := 1
for sum < 100 {
sum +=sum

break and continue

for k,v:= range map {
//map’s key k
//map’s value v

If we define k and v and we did not use them both,it will complain Error. So we need to use _ instead.

for _,v :=range map {
fmt.Println(“map’s value: “,v)

switch sExpr {
case expr1:
some instructions
case expr2:
some other instructions
case expr3:
some other instructions
other code

For example:
i := 10
switch i {
case 1:

case 2,3,4:


There is new stuff fallthrough,it will execute the current case codes block and continue other case statements.

func funcName(input1 type1,input2 type2) (output1 type1,output2 type2) {
return value1,value2

func max(a,b int) int {
if a > b {
return a
return b

Multiple Return Values
func SumAndProduct(a,b int) (int,int) {
return a+b,a*b

function main(){
x := 3
y := 4
xPlusy,xTimesy : = SumAndProduct(x,y)

Or we can define the multiple return values function as follow,give the return value one name
func SumAndProduct(a,b int) (add int,multiplied int) {
add = a + b
multiplied = a*b

Dynamic Parameters
func myfunc(arg …int) {}

Pass the Value or the Reference (Pointer)
Pass the Value,that is the copy of the parameter,so it will not change the origin object
func add1(a int) int{
a = a+1
return a

x :=3
x1 will be 4
x will still be 3

Pass the Pointer,it will change the original object
func add1(a *int) int {
*a = *a +1
return *a

x1:=add1(&x) //&x is the address of x
x1 will be 4
x will be 4 too.

Something as follow
func ReadWrite() bool {
defer file.Close()
if failureX {
return false
if failureY {
return false
return true

defer run as FILO,not FIFO

Functions are Variables
type can define the function,function is variable. For example:
type typeName func(input1 inputType1,input2 inputType2 [,…]) (result1 resultTyp1 [,...])

We can define a function type,and use this function as a parameters.

package main

import "fmt"

type testInt func(int) bool // 声明了一个函数类型

func isOdd(integer int) bool {
if integer%2 == 0 {
return false
return true

func isEven(integer int) bool {
if integer%2 == 0 {
return true
return false

func filter(slice []int,f testInt) []int {
var result []int
for _,value := range slice {
if f(value) {
result = append(result,value)
return result

func main() {
slice := []int{1,2,4,5,7}
fmt.Println("slice = ",slice)
odd := filter(slice,isOdd)
fmt.Println("Odd elements of slice are: ",odd)
even := filter(slice,isEven)
fmt.Println("Even elements of slice are: ",even)

The console output from >go run src/com/sillycat/easygoapp/main.go will be as follow:
slice = [1 2 3 4 5 7] Odd elements of slice are: [1 3 5 7] Even elements of slice are: [2 4]

Panic and Recover

main and init functions
init can be used in any package,main can only be used in package main.
init will be called every time when we use this function. main will be called in package main automatically.

. “fmt"

fmt.Println(“”) ——> Println(“”)

f “fmt"
fmt.Println(“”) ———> f.Println(“")

_ “github.com/ziutek/MysqL/godrv"
Call the init method in that package function.



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