
Go中的类型符号是 defined作为“int32的别名,并且在所有方面相当于int32,它被按照惯例用于区分字符值和整数值.


Golang,Go : what is rune by the way?”提到:

With the recent Unicode 6.3,there are over 110,000 symbols defined. This requires at least 21-bit representation of each code point,so a rune is like int32 and has plenty of bits.


We convert to @H_403_15@uint32 to avoid the extra test for negative


const MaxLatin1 = '\u00FF' // maximum Latin-1 value.

// IsGraphic reports whether the rune is defined as a Graphic by Unicode.
// Such characters include letters,marks,numbers,punctuation,symbols,and
// spaces,from categories L,M,N,P,S,Zs.
func IsGraphic(r rune) bool {
    // We convert to uint32 to avoid the extra test for negative,// and in the index we convert to uint8 to avoid the range check.
    if uint32(r) <= MaxLatin1 {
        return properties[uint8(r)]&pg != 0
    return In(r,GraphicRanges...)

这可能是因为符文应该是constant(如“Go rune type explanation”所述),其中符文可以在一个int32或uint32甚至是float32或…中:它的常数值授权它存储在任何numeric types中) .


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