当我使用TListView(ViewStyle = vsReport)时,我可以自动调整列的宽度,设置每列的Width属性中的LVSCW_AUTOSIZE或
The ListView_GetStringWidth macro returns the exact width,in pixels,
of the specified string. If you use the returned string width as the
column width in a call to the ListView_SetColumnWidth macro,the
string will be truncated. To retrieve the column width that can
contain the string without truncating it,you must add padding to the
returned string width.
但是他们没有提到如何获得填充值(并且似乎是they won't
)对于项目的填充使用6像素,而对于子项的填充使用12像素,但不是(至少在Windows 7中为此示例).
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///// List View Column Autosize (Virtual Mode) //////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// unit Unit1; interface uses Windows,Messages,SysUtils,Variants,Classes,Graphics,Controls,StdCtrls,Forms,Dialogs,StrUtils,ComCtrls,CommCtrl; type TSampleRecord = record Column1: string; Column2: string; Column3: string; end; TSampleArray = array [0..49] of TSampleRecord; type TForm1 = class(TForm) Button1: TButton; ListView1: TListView; procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); private SampleArray: TSampleArray; procedure AutoResizeColumn(const AListView: TListView; const AColumn: Integer); procedure OnListViewData(Sender: TObject; Item: TListItem); public { Public declarations } end; var Form1: TForm1; implementation {$R *.dfm} /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///// TForm1.AutoResizeColumn - auto-size column ////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // AListView - list view object instance // AColumn - index of the column to be auto-sized procedure TForm1.AutoResizeColumn(const AListView: TListView; const AColumn: Integer); var S: string; I: Integer; MaxWidth: Integer; ItemWidth: Integer; begin // set the destination column width to the column's caption width // later on we'll check if we have a wider item MaxWidth := ListView_GetStringWidth(AListView.Handle,PChar(AListView.Columns.Items[AColumn].Caption)); // iterate through all data items and check if their captions are // wider than the currently widest item if so then store that value for I := 0 to High(SampleArray) do begin case AColumn of 0: S := SampleArray[I].Column1; 1: S := SampleArray[I].Column2; 2: S := SampleArray[I].Column3; end; ItemWidth := ListView_GetStringWidth(AListView.Handle,PChar(S)); if MaxWidth < ItemWidth then MaxWidth := ItemWidth; end; // here is hard to say what value to use for padding to prevent the // string to be truncated; I've found the suggestions to use 6 px // for item caption padding and 12 px for subitem caption padding,// but a few quick tests confirmed me to use at least 7 px for items // and 14 px for subitems if AColumn = 0 then MaxWidth := MaxWidth + 7 else MaxWidth := MaxWidth + 14; // and here we set the column width with caption padding included AListView.Columns.Items[AColumn].Width := MaxWidth; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///// TForm1.FormCreate - setup the list view and fill custom data //////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var I: Integer; begin ListView1.ViewStyle := vsReport; ListView1.Columns.Add.Caption := 'Column 1'; ListView1.Columns.Add.Caption := 'Column 2'; ListView1.Columns.Add.Caption := 'Column 3'; ListView1.OwnerData := True; ListView1.OnData := OnListViewData; ListView1.Items.Count := High(SampleArray); for I := 0 to High(SampleArray) do begin SampleArray[I].Column1 := 'Cell [0,' + IntToStr(I) + '] ' + DupeString('x',I); SampleArray[I].Column2 := 'Cell [1,High(SampleArray) - I); SampleArray[I].Column3 := ''; end; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///// TForm1.FormCreate - custom handler for OnData event ///////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TForm1.OnListViewData(Sender: TObject; Item: TListItem); begin Item.Caption := SampleArray[Item.Index].Column1; Item.SubItems.Add(SampleArray[Item.Index].Column2); Item.SubItems.Add(SampleArray[Item.Index].Column3); end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///// TForm1.Button1Click - auto-resize all 3 columns ///////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin AutoResizeColumn(ListView1,0); AutoResizeColumn(ListView1,1); AutoResizeColumn(ListView1,2); end; end.