对于我的项目,我首先从文件加载图像,并将每个像素放入2D像素[,]数组.然后,我想检查每个像素,并根据它们的着色方式将它们分成“箱”,然后对每个箱进行排序.所以我有一个Bin对象,它封装了一个List< Pixel> ;,我有一个List< Bin>包含(相对较小)数量的箱子.
我的问题是,当我尝试从非常大的图像(例如1920×1200 = 230万像素)填充这些垃圾箱时,我使用的算法比我想要的慢,并且我已经将问题追溯到一些C#语言特有的功能似乎比我预期的要长.我想就如何更好地使用C#来消除这些瓶颈提出一些建议.
public void fillBinsFromSource(IEnumerable<Pixel> source) { Stopwatch s = new Stopwatch(); foreach (Pixel p in source) { s.Start(); // algorithm removed for brevity // involves a binary search of all Bins and a List.Add call s.Stop(); } }
class ImageList : IEnumerable<Pixel> { private List<Image> imageList; public IEnumerator<Pixel> GetEnumerator() { foreach (Image i in imageList) foreach (Pixel p in i) yield return p; } IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() { return GetEnumerator(); } class Image : IEnumerable<Pixel> { private Pixel[,] pixels; // all pixels in the image private List<Pixel> selectedPixels;// all pixels in the user's selection public IEnumerator<Pixel> GetEnumerator() { if (selectedPixels == null) for (int i = 0; i < image.Width; i++) for (int j = 0; j < image.Height; j++) yield return pixels[i,j]; else for (int i = 0; i < selectedPixels.Count; i++) yield return selectedPixels[i]; } IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() { return GetEnumerator(); }
ImageList list; // pretend it contains only 1 image,and it's large fillBinsFromSource(list);
然后,在用Pixel对象填充所有这些箱子后,我对它们进行排序.我调用List< Pixel> .Sort()并依赖IComparable,如下所示:
ImageList list; // pretend it contains only 1 image,and it's large fillBinsFromSource(list); foreach(Bin b in allBins) b.Sort(); // calls List<Pixel>.Sort() class Pixel : IComparable { // store both HSV and RGB float h,s,v; byte r,g,b; // we sort by HSV's value property public int CompareTo(object obj) { // this is much faster than calling CompareTo on a float Pixel rhs = obj as Pixel; if (v < rhs.v) return -1; else if (v > rhs.v) return 1; return 0; }