c – 声明名称,引入名称和声明实体之间的区别

从C 11标准,§7.3.3[namespace.udecl] / 1:

A using-declaration introduces a name into the declarative region in which the using-declaration appears.


using typenameopt nested-name-specifier unqualified-id ;
using :: unqualified-id ;






namespace N { static int i = 1; } /* Declares an entity denoted by 
    the name i in the declarative region of the namespace N. 
    Introduces the name into the declarative region of the namespace N.
    Declares the name i in the declarative region of the namespace N? */
using N::i; /* Declares the name i in the declarative region of the
    global namespace. Also introduces that name into the declarative
    region of the global namespace? Also declares the entity that the
    name i denotes? */



a value,object,reference,function,enumerator,type,class member,bit-field,template,template
specialization,namespace,parameter pack,or this. […] Every name that denotes an entity is introduced by a declaration.


Every name is introduced in some portion of program text called a declarative region,which is the largest part
of the program in which that name is valid,that is,in which that name may be used as an unqualified name
to refer to the same entity.

The names declared by a declaration are introduced into the scope in which the declaration occurs,except
that the presence of a friend specifier (11.3),certain uses of the elaborated-type-specifier (,and
using-directives (7.3.4) alter this general behavior.


namespace N {        //  + declarative region #1
                     //  |
    static int i;    //  | introduces a name into this region
                     //  | this declaration introduces an entity
}                    //  +

首先,N :: i是一个在命名空间N中声明并引入N范围的实体.现在,让我们添加一个using声明:

namespace B {        //  + declarative region #2
                     //  |
    using N::i;      //  | declaration introduces a name i
                     //  | but this is not an entity
}                    //  +


If a using-declaration names a constructor (,it implicitly declares a set of constructors in the
class in which the using-declaration appears (12.9); otherwise the name specified in a using-declaration is a
synonym for a set of declarations in another namespace or class.

使用N :: i的using声明没有命名构造函数,因此它不是名称i是新实体,而是N :: i的同义词.

所以基本上,两者都是在各自的命名空间中引入和声明的名称.在N中,我声明了一个具有静态链接的实体,但是在B中,我声明了该实体的同义词 – 而不是新实体.


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