我有很多代码,我在删除在其中有指针的向量容器,也就是说,我必须首先删除所有的指针,然后清除容器.每次我会遍历并手动删除指针(我知道stl ::
algorithms for_each).为了规避所有的代码,我创建了一个模板,用于删除所有具有指针的向量容器.到现在为止还挺好.
现在我有几个容器类型,包括地图,并发容器等,到目前为止,所有功能都有相同的功能,只要删除.我拥有的DeleteContainer(std :: vector< T *& VecIn)函数只能在上面提到的向量上工作.有没有什么办法使其通用到足以在所有容器上工作?
EDIT: Thanks for all the answers,I wish I could select more than one. To anybody who stumbles onto this question,read all the answers and not just the selected one as they all provide great info.
Boost Pointer Container,让它处理内存管理:
This library therefore provides
standard-like containers that are for
storing heap-allocated or cloned
objects (or in case of a map,the
mapped object must be a heap-allocated
or cloned object). For each of the standard containers there is a pointer container equivalent that takes ownership of the objects in an exception safe manner.