Moving around in the text(motion)
快捷键 | 描述 |
hjkl | ←↓↑→ |
web | word/ word end/word backward |
WB | more word |
0$ | line before/end |
HML | col High/Medium/Low |
% | jump between ([{}]) |
Skipping around in the file
快捷键 | 描述 |
CTRL-G | 查看当前文档名称和进度 |
CTRL-O | jump older |
CTRL-I | jump newwer |
快捷键 | 描述 |
CTRL+F | pages forward,one page at a time. |
CTRL+B | pages backward,one page at a time. |
CTRL+D | pages down one-half page at a time. |
CTRL+U | pages up one-half page at a time. |
快捷键 | 描述 |
G | goes to the last line of the file. |
35G | goes to any line number (35,in this case) |
1G | goes to the first line of the file. |
gg | same as 1G |
35% | go to 35% pecent |