btn.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { // Build an AlertDialog AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(MainActivity.this); // String array for alert dialog multi choice items String[] colors = new String[]{ "Red","Green","Blue","Purple","Olive" }; // Boolean array for initial selected items final boolean[] checkedColors = new boolean[]{ false,// Red false,// Green false,// Blue false,// Purple false // Olive }; // Convert the color array to list final List<String> colorsList = Arrays.asList(colors); // Set multiple choice items for alert dialog builder.setMultiChoiceItems(colors,checkedColors,new DialogInterface.OnMultiChoiceClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog,int which,boolean isChecked) { // Update the current focused item's checked status checkedColors[which] = isChecked; // Get the current focused item String currentItem = colorsList.get(which); // Notify the current action Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(),currentItem + " " + isChecked,Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } }); // Specify the dialog is not cancelable builder.setCancelable(false); // Set a title for alert dialog builder.setTitle("Your preferred colors?"); // Set the positive/yes button click listener builder.setPositiveButton("OK",new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog,int which) { // Do something when click positive button tv.setText("Your preferred colors..... \n"); for (int i = 0; i<checkedColors.length; i++){ boolean checked = checkedColors[i]; if (checked) { tv.setText(tv.getText() + colorsList.get(i) + ","); } } } }); // Set the negative/no button click listener builder.setNegativeButton("No",int which) { // Do something when click the negative button } }); // Set the neutral/cancel button click listener builder.setNeutralButton("Cancel",int which) { // Do something when click the neutral button } }); AlertDialog dialog = builder.create(); // Display the alert dialog on interface dialog.show(); } });
public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog,int which) { // Do something when click positive button tv.setText("Your preferred colors..... \n"); for (int i = 0; i < checkedColors.length; i++) { boolean checked = checkedColors[i]; String colors = ""; if (checked) { colors = colors + colorsList.get(i) ; if (i != checkedColors.length - 1) { colors = colors + ","; } } } tv.setText(tv.getText() + colors); }
Yor textview只会更新一次,因此您不会在TextView中两次获取每个项目.
SharedPreferences preferences = mContext.getSharedPreferences("PREFERENCE_NAME",Context.MODE_PRIVATE); SharedPreferences.Editor editor = preferences.edit(); editor.putBoolean("yourColor",isChecked); editor.commit();
boolean isChecked = preferences.getBoolean("yourColor");