Repo Manifest 格式(XML文件)

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了Repo Manifest 格式(XML文件)前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。

最近研究了下Repo相关的东西,在Repo工具包里看了一个关于repo manifest格式(其实就是XML文件了)的文件,叫manifest-format.txt。于是就翻译了下,译得不好,莫见怪。下面是对应的原文和相应的译文。不喜勿喷!


--------------------------------------原 文 如 下-----------------------------------------------


repo Manifest Format

A repo manifest describes the structure of a repo client; that isthe directories that are visible and where they should be obtainedfrom with git.

The basic structure of a manifest is a bare Git repository holdinga single 'default.xml' XML file in the top level directory.

Manifests are inherently version controlled,since they are keptwithin a Git repository. Updates to manifests are automaticallyobtained by clients during `repo sync`.

XML File Format

A manifest XML file (e.g. 'default.xml') roughly conforms to thefollowing DTD:

<!DOCTYPE manifest [
<!ELEMENT manifest (notice?,

<!ELEMENT notice (#PCDATA)>

<!ELEMENT remote (EMPTY)>
<!ATTLIST remote name ID #required>
<!ATTLIST remote alias CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST remote fetch CDATA #required>
<!ATTLIST remote review CDATA #IMPLIED>

<!ELEMENT default (EMPTY)>
<!ATTLIST default remote IDREF #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST default revision CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST default sync-j CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST default sync-c CDATA #IMPLIED>

<!ELEMENT manifest-server (EMPTY)>
<!ATTLIST url CDATA #required>

<!ELEMENT project (annotation?)>
<!ATTLIST project name CDATA #required>
<!ATTLIST project path CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST project remote IDREF #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST project revision CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST project groups CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST project sync-c CDATA #IMPLIED>

<!ELEMENT annotation (EMPTY)>
<!ATTLIST annotation name CDATA #required>
<!ATTLIST annotation value CDATA #required>
<!ATTLIST annotation keep CDATA "true">

<!ELEMENT remove-project (EMPTY)>
<!ATTLIST remove-project name CDATA #required>

<!ELEMENT repo-hooks (EMPTY)>
<!ATTLIST repo-hooks in-project CDATA #required>
<!ATTLIST repo-hooks enabled-list CDATA #required>

<!ELEMENT include (EMPTY)>
<!ATTLIST include name CDATA #required>

A description of the elements and their attributes follows.

Element manifest

The root element of the file.

Element remote

One or more remote elements may be specified. Each remote elementspecifies a Git URL shared by one or more projects and (optionally)the Gerrit review server those projects upload changes through.

Attribute `name`: A short name unique to this manifest file. Thename specified here is used as the remote name in each project's.git/config,and is therefore automatically available to commandslike `git fetch`,`git remote`,`git pull` and `git push`.

Attribute `alias`: The alias,if specified,is used to override`name` to be set as the remote name in each project's .git/config.Its value can be duplicated while attribute `name` has to be uniquein the manifest file. This helps each project to be able to havesame remote name which actually points to different remote url.

Attribute `fetch`: The Git URL prefix for all projects which usethis remote. Each project's name is appended to this prefix toform the actual URL used to clone the project.

Attribute `review`: Hostname of the Gerrit server where reviewsare uploaded to by `repo upload`. This attribute is optional;if not specified then `repo upload` will not function.

Element default

At most one default element may be specified. Its remote andrevision attributes are used when a project element does notspecify its own remote or revision attribute.

Attribute `remote`: Name of a prevIoUsly defined remote element.Project elements lacking a remote attribute of their own will usethis remote.

Attribute `revision`: Name of a Git branch (e.g. `master` or`refs/heads/master`). Project elements lacking their ownrevision attribute will use this revision.

Element manifest-server

At most one manifest-server may be specified. The url attributeis used to specify the URL of a manifest server,which is anXML RPC service.

The manifest server should implement the following RPC methods:


Return a manifest in which each project is pegged to a known good revisionfor the current branch and target.

The target to use is defined by environment variables TARGET_PRODUCTand TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT. These variables are used to create a stringof the form $TARGET_PRODUCT-$TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT,e.g. passion-userdebug.If one of those variables or both are not present,the program will callGetApprovedManifest without the target parameter and the manifest servershould choose a reasonable default target.


Return a manifest in which each project is pegged to the revision atthe specified tag.

Element project

One or more project elements may be specified. Each elementdescribes a single Git repository to be cloned into the repoclient workspace.

Attribute `name`: A unique name for this project. The project'sname is appended onto its remote's fetch URL to generate the actualURL to configure the Git remote with. The URL gets formed as:


where ${remote_fetch} is the remote's fetch attribute and${project_name} is the project's name attribute. The suffix ".git"is always appended as repo assumes the upstream is a forest ofbare Git repositories.

The project name must match the name Gerrit knows,if Gerrit isbeing used for code reviews.

Attribute `path`: An optional path relative to the top directoryof the repo client where the Git working directory for this projectshould be placed. If not supplied the project name is used.

Attribute `remote`: Name of a prevIoUsly defined remote element.If not supplied the remote given by the default element is used.

Attribute `revision`: Name of the Git branch the manifest wantsto track for this project. Names can be relative to refs/heads(e.g. just "master") or absolute (e.g. "refs/heads/master").Tags and/or explicit SHA-1s should work in theory,but have notbeen extensively tested. If not supplied the revision given bythe default element is used.

Attribute `groups`: List of groups to which this project belongs,whitespace or comma separated. All projects belong to the group"all",and each project automatically belongs to a group ofits name:`name` and path:`path`. E.g. for<project name="monkeys" path="barrel-of"/>,that projectdefinition is implicitly in the following manifest groups:default,name:monkeys,and path:barrel-of. If you place a project in thegroup "notdefault",it will not be automatically downloaded by repo.

Element annotation

Zero or more annotation elements may be specified as children of aproject element. Each element describes a name-value pair that will beexported into each project's environment during a 'forall' command,prefixed with REPO__. In addition,there is an optional attribute"keep" which accepts the case insensitive values "true" (default) or
"false". This attribute determines whether or not the annotation willbe kept when exported with the manifest subcommand.

Element remove-project

Deletes the named project from the internal manifest table,possiblyallowing a subsequent project element in the same manifest file toreplace the project with a different source.

This element is mostly useful in the local_manifest.xml,wherethe user can remove a project,and possibly replace it with theirown definition.

Element include

This element provides the capability of including another manifestfile into the originating manifest. Normal rules apply for thetarget manifest to include- it must be a usable manifest on it's own.

Attribute `name`; the manifest to include,specified relative tothe manifest repositories root.

Local Manifest

Additional remotes and projects may be added through a localmanifest,stored in `$TOP_DIR/.repo/local_manifest.xml`.

For example:

$ cat .repo/local_manifest.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project path="manifest"name="tools/manifest" />
<project path="platform-manifest"name="platform/manifest" />

Users may add projects to the local manifest prior to a `repo sync`invocation,instructing repo to automatically download and managethese extra projects.


--------------------------------------原 文 如 下-----------------------------------------------


repo Manifest 格式


repo manifest描述了repo客户端的组织结构,它是一个可见的类似字典的文件,通过它我们可以清楚得知道我们将要从什么地方获取git仓库。


一旦Manifests被包含到一个git仓库,它就会受版本管控。 在执行`repo sync`命令时,客户端会自动更新manifests仓库。

XML 文件格式

一个manifest xml文件(例如`default.xml`)大体上是遵从如下DTD规范的:

<!DOCTYPE manifest [
<!ELEMENT manifest (notice?,

<!ELEMENT notice (#PCDATA)>

<!ELEMENT remote (EMPTY)>
<!ATTLIST remote name ID #required>
<!ATTLIST remote alias CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST remote fetch CDATA #required>
<!ATTLIST remote review CDATA #IMPLIED>

<!ELEMENT default (EMPTY)>
<!ATTLIST default remote IDREF #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST default revision CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST default sync-j CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST default sync-c CDATA #IMPLIED>

<!ELEMENT manifest-server (EMPTY)>
<!ATTLIST url CDATA #required>

<!ELEMENT project (annotation?)>
<!ATTLIST project name CDATA #required>
<!ATTLIST project path CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST project remote IDREF #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST project revision CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST project groups CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST project sync-c CDATA #IMPLIED>

<!ELEMENT annotation (EMPTY)>
<!ATTLIST annotation name CDATA #required>
<!ATTLIST annotation value CDATA #required>
<!ATTLIST annotation keep CDATA "true">

<!ELEMENT remove-project (EMPTY)>
<!ATTLIST remove-project name CDATA #required>

<!ELEMENT repo-hooks (EMPTY)>
<!ATTLIST repo-hooks in-project CDATA #required>
<!ATTLIST repo-hooks enabled-list CDATA #required>

<!ELEMENT include (EMPTY)>
<!ATTLIST include name CDATA #required>


manifest 元素


remote 元素

可以指定一个或多个remote元素。每个remote元素指定一个Git URL路径和一个Gerrit代码审核服务器,这个Git URL路径可以被多个项目共用,而每一次的代码提交都会首先经过这个Gerrit服务器。

属性`name`:对于manifest文件来说它是一个唯一的简短名称。这个名称在这里是用来指定每个项目的.git/config中的远程名称,当使用命令`git fetch`、`git remote`、`git pull`和`git push`的时候,会自动使用这个名称


属性`fetch`:当使用远程分支时,该值作为远程分支的Git URL的前缀。该值加上每个项目的名称就是我们实际的克隆的URL。

属性`review`:当使用命令`repo upload`进行代码上传时,代码会先提交到Gerrit代码审核服务器,该值就是Gerrit服务器的主机名。这个属性是可选的,当它没有指定具体的值时,命令`repo upload`不会起作用。

default 元素




manifest-server 元素


manifest server应该事先下面的RPC方法
GetApprovedManifest(branch,target) 返回一个manifest,用来指定所有projects的分支和编译目标。

GetManifest(tag) 返回指定tag的manifest。

project 元素


属性`name`:唯一的名字标示project,远程分支的fetch URL加上这个名字构成了Git仓库的URL。URL的格式如下:





属性`group`:列出project所属的组,一空格或者逗号分隔多个组名。所有的project都自动属于'all'组。每个project自动属于name:'name'和path:'path'组。例如,<project name="monkeys" path="barrel-of"/>,它自动属于default,name:monkeys和path:barrel-of组。如果一个project属于'notdefault'组,则使用命令'repo sync'是不会下载。

annotation 元素

可以指定多个annotation元素,它采用name-value pair的格式。在'repo forall'命令中,这些值会被导入到环境变量中。它有一个可选属性`keep`去保存'true'或'false'(不区分大小写)。这个属性决定了当annotaion和manifest子命令一起输出时,annotation是否会被保留。

remove-project 元素


include 元素


本地 Manifest

可以通过本地Manifest 来添加projects和remotes到远程。本地的manifest文件存放在`$TOP_DIR/.repo/local_manifest.xml`。

$ cat .repo/local_manifest.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project path="manifest"name="tools/manifest" />
<project path="platform-manifest"name="platform/manifest" />

在执行'repo sync'命令之前,用户可以先添加项目到本地的manifest文件,然后让repo去自动下载和管理这些额外的projects。

