我正在使用通用系统进行报告,从数据库视图(sql Server 2005)获取数据.在这个视图中,我不得不在一行中从一对多关系中合并数据,并使用
Combine multiple results in a subquery into a single comma-separated value.该解决方案使用sqlXML来合并数据(子查询):
SELECT STUFF( ( SELECT ',' + Name FROM MyTable _in WHERE _in.ID = _out.ID FOR XML PATH('')),-- Output multiple rows as one xml type value,-- without xml tags 1,2,'') -- STUFF: Replace the comma at the beginning with empty string FROM MyTable _out GROUP BY ID -- Removes duplicates
这完美的工作(甚至没有那么沉重的表现),除了我的数据现在通过sqlXML获得XML编码(& =& amp; amp; amp; amp;等) – 我不想要XML数据,我只是把它用作一个诡计 – 由于通用系统,我无法对其进行编码以将其清理干净,因此编码数据直接转到报告中.我不能使用通用系统的存储过程,所以CURSOR合并或COALESCE-ing在这里不是一个选项…
原文链接:https://www.f2er.com/xml/292940.htmldeclare @MyTable table (id int,name varchar(50)) insert @MyTable (id,name) select 1,'Joel & Jeff' union all select 1,'<<BIN LADEN>>' union all select 2,'&&BUSH&&'
select b.txt.query('root').value('.','varchar(max)') from ( select distinct id from @MyTable ) a cross apply ( select CASE ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY id) WHEN 1 THEN '' ELSE ',' END + name from @MyTable where id = a.id order by id for xml path(''),root('root'),type ) b(txt)
Joel & Jeff,<<BIN LADEN>> &&BUSH&&
这是一个没有XML转换的替代方案.它确实有一个递归查询,所以性能里程可能会有所不同.是从Quassnoi’s blog:
;WITH with_stats(id,name,rn,cnt) AS ( SELECT id,ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY id ORDER BY name),COUNT(*) OVER (PARTITION BY id) FROM @MyTable ),with_concat (id,gc,CAST(name AS VARCHAR(MAX)),cnt FROM with_stats WHERE rn = 1 UNION ALL SELECT with_stats.id,with_stats.name,CAST(with_concat.gc + ',' + with_stats.name AS VARCHAR(MAX)),with_stats.rn,with_stats.cnt FROM with_concat JOIN with_stats ON with_stats.id = with_concat.id AND with_stats.rn = with_concat.rn + 1 ) SELECT id,gc FROM with_concat WHERE rn = cnt OPTION (MAXRECURSION 0)