如何在Windows上安全地转义cmd.exe shell的命令行参数?

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了如何在Windows上安全地转义cmd.exe shell的命令行参数?前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。
好吧,我有一个必须在shell = True模式下执行的命令.

os.system或subprocess.Popen(…,shell = True)

此命令包含字符串替换,如:cmd =“some_secret_command {0}”.format(string_from_user)



>使用shlex.quote – 不正确

print(shlex.quote(‘file.txxt;& ls.#’)) – > “file.txxt; & ls. #'(注射)


> python -c "import sys; print(sys.argv[1])" 'file.txxt; &ls . #'

>使用转义^ – 不正确


import os

CMD = '''string with spaces'''.replace('','^').replace('^"','')
os.system('python -c "import sys; print(sys.argv[1])" {0}'.format(CMD))


>使用^和“或” – 不正确


import os

CMD = '''some arg with spaces'''.replace('','')
os.system('python -c "import sys; print(sys.argv[1])" "{0}"'.format(CMD))

打印^ s ^ o ^ m ^ e ^ ^ a ^ r ^ g ^ ^ w ^ i ^ t ^ h ^ ^ s ^ p ^ a ^ c ^ e ^ s ^

而如果 ‘

import os

CMD = '''some spaces'''.replace('','^').replace('^\'','')
os.system('python -c "import sys; print(sys.argv[1])" \'{0}\''.format(CMD))


我现在关于shell = False,但这对我来说是不正确的.


也就是说,对于一般情况,例如,使用cmd.exe和一个用CommandLineToArgvW解析其命令行的程序,你可以使用Daniel Colascione在Everyone quotes command line arguments the wrong way中描述的技术.我原本试图将它改编为Ruby,现在尝试将其转换为python.

import re

def escape_argument(arg):
    # Escape the argument for the cmd.exe shell.
    # See http://blogs.msdn.com/b/twistylittlepassagesallalike/archive/2011/04/23/everyone-quotes-arguments-the-wrong-way.aspx
    # First we escape the quote chars to produce a argument suitable for
    # CommandLineToArgvW. We don't need to do this for simple arguments.

    if not arg or re.search(r'(["\s])',arg):
        arg = '"' + arg.replace('"',r'\"') + '"'

    return escape_for_cmd_exe(arg)

def escape_for_cmd_exe(arg):
    # Escape an argument string to be suitable to be passed to
    # cmd.exe on Windows
    # This method takes an argument that is expected to already be properly
    # escaped for the receiving program to be properly parsed. This argument
    # will be further escaped to pass the interpolation performed by cmd.exe
    # unchanged.
    # Any Meta-characters will be escaped,removing the ability to e.g. use
    # redirects or variables.
    # @param arg [String] a single command line argument to escape for cmd.exe
    # @return [String] an escaped string suitable to be passed as a program
    #   argument to cmd.exe

    Meta_chars = '()%!^"<>&|'
    Meta_re = re.compile('(' + '|'.join(re.escape(char) for char in list(Meta_chars)) + ')')
    Meta_map = { char: "^%s" % char for char in Meta_chars }

    def escape_Meta_chars(m):
        char = m.group(1)
        return Meta_map[char]

    return Meta_re.sub(escape_Meta_chars,arg)

应用此代码,您应该能够成功转义cmd.exe shell的参数.

print escape_argument('''some arg with spaces''')
# ^"some arg with spaces^"


import os

CMD = '''string with spaces and &weird^ charcters!'''
os.system('python -c "import sys; print(sys.argv[1])" {0}'.format(escape_argument(CMD)))
# string with spaces and &weird^ charcters!
