为什么会这样?我有什么问题,或者仅仅是ConfigMgr 2012表现不佳吗?
To do this,create a new collection (named anything that makes sense,like “Deploy Manually”) and include the “All Systems” collection in its membership. Then get Properties on it,and set a Maintenance Window using any effective date in the past,like 01/01/2013 from 12:00am to 12:05am,and set the recurrence schedule to None. You will get a warning about recurrence not being set,but click OK anyway. From that point forward,every device in your SCCM environment will automatically have an expired Maintenance Window set on it,and can no longer install anything without a new Maintenance Window,or by checking the override maintenance window Box when making a deployment. This is the opposite of its prevIoUs behavior,because it will now run no installs or updates until explicitly told.
这是非常强大的,但需要注意的是,您现在可以完全手动控制安装何时可以运行以及何时可以重新启动 – 就像您想要的那样.现在这些复选框有意义.例如,如果您具有自动部署规则(如Endpoint Protection定义),则需要确保它们可以在维护窗口之外安装,除非您喜欢每天登录服务器以应用它们.即使允许安装在维护窗口外运行,您也可以选择禁止重新启动.一个好处是,您可以轻松部署任何内容,只需在选择手动安装的分配和截止日期时“尽快”使用,如果您对维护窗口设置很聪明,则可以部署一次补丁,但安排实际安装和通过使用具有新维护窗口的其他集合重新启动请记住,维护窗口在所有集合中都是累积的,因此请相应地设计环境.