You'll need a new app to open this microsoft-edge OK
有没有办法在Windows 10企业版LTSB上安装Microsoft Edge?
…the reason Microsoft won’t provide Edge to Enterprise users on LTSB is because the company expects to roll out new features and feature updates to Edge on a regular basis…
That means it would be kind of pointless to include the evolving Edge browser if it’s not going to be updated.
最近的谷歌搜索进一步证实了这一点,其中responses from MS staff以下内容将不包括在LTSB中:
Microsoft Edge,Windows Store client,Cortana (limited search capabilities remain available),Microsoft Mail,Calendar,OneNote,Weather,News,Sports,Money,Photos,Camera,Music,and Clock. Therefore,it’s important to remember that Microsoft has positioned the LTSB model primarily for specialized devices.
LTSB适用于特殊情况,而不适用于普通桌面,即使在严格控制的企业环境中也是如此. LTSB设计用于Kiosk和其他非常特殊的系统.其名称中的“长期”使许多大型组织IT团队感到高兴,因为他们认为他们可以从用户计算机上运行的操作系统获得一些长期一致性,但这不是MS想要的系统.