Windows 2012 R2 DHCP服务器,为一个范围提供服务.范围租赁期限:1天. MCLT:1小时.
为什么新租约1小时? 1小时巧合地与MCLT相同,如果我理解正确,则仅在故障转移条件期间调用.这里没有发生过这样的故障转移.
原文链接:https://www.f2er.com/windows/368018.html如果需要,您可以阅读5.2.1 section of the dhc failover protocol,但相关的引用是:
“This allows that server to give a longer lease time to the client the next time the client renews its lease,since the time that it will give to the client will not exceed the MCLT beyond the potential expiration time acknowledged by its partner.”