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不是一个脚本,而且非常有用的是PowerShell Community Extensions.该软件包包含了很多新的Cmdlet和PowerShell修改.
原文链接: Get-SvnStatus( [string[]] $Path = ".",[string] $Filter = "^(?!unversioned|normal|external)",[switch] $NoFormat ) { # powershell chokes on "wc-status" and doesn't like two definitions of "item" [xml]$status = ( ( Invoke-Expression "svn status $( $Path -join ',' ) --xml" ) -replace "wc-status","svnstatus" ) ` -replace "item=","itemstatus=" $statusObjects = $ | Foreach-Object { $_.entry } | Where-Object { $_.svnstatus.itemstatus -match $Filter } | Foreach-Object { $_ | Select-Object @{ Name = "Status"; Expression = { $_.svnstatus.itemstatus } },@{ Name = "Path"; Expression = { Join-Path ( Get-Location ) $_.path } } } | Sort-Object Status,Path if ( $NoFormat ) { $statusObjects } else { $statusObjects | Format-Table -AutoSize } } function Get-SvnLog( [string] $Path = ".",[int] $Revision,[int] $Limit = -1,[switch] $Verbose,[switch] $NoFormat ) { $revisionString = "" $limitString = "" $verboseString = "" if ( $Revision ) { $revisionString = "--revision $Revision" } if ( $Limit -ne -1 ) { $limitString = "--limit $Limit" } if ( $Verbose ) { $verboseString = "--verbose" } [xml]$log = Invoke-Expression "svn log $( $path -join ',' ) --xml $revisionString $limitString $verboseString" $logobjects = $log.log.logentry | Foreach-Object { $logEntry = $_ $logEntry | Select-Object ` @{ Name = "Revision"; Expression = { [int]$logEntry.revision } },@{ Name = "Author"; Expression = { $ } },@{ Name = "Date"; Expression = { if ( $NoFormat ) { [datetime]$ } else { "{0:dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss}" -f [datetime]$ } } },@{ Name = "Message"; Expression = { $logEntry.msg } } | Foreach-Object { # add the changed path information if the $Verbose parameter has been specified if ( $Verbose ) { $_ | Select-Object Revision,Author,Date,Message,@{ Name = "ChangedPaths"; Expression = { $paths = $logEntry.paths.path | Foreach-Object { $_ | Select-Object ` @{ Name = "Change"; Expression = { switch ( $_.action ) { "A" { "added" } "D" { "deleted" } "M" { "modified" } "R" { "replaced" } default { $_.action } } } },@{ Name = "Path"; Expression = { $_."#text" } } } if ( $NoFormat ) { $paths } else { ( $paths | Sort-Object Change | Format-Table -AutoSize | Out-String ).Trim() } } } } else { $_ } } } if ( $NoFormat ) { $logobjects } else { $logobjects | Format-List } }