

Visual Basic Code
Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" ( _
Destination As Any,_
Source As Any,_
ByVal Length As Long)

Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim strTemp As String' 临时字符串变量
Dim strUserList As String' 最终拼合用户列表的变量
Dim strSearch As String' 搜索关键内容的字符串变量
Dim lngSearchSize As Long' 搜索关键内容的字符串大小
Dim lngStart As Long' 搜索用户字符串时存储开始位置的变量
Dim lngEnd As Long' 搜索用户字符串时存储结束位置的变量
Dim ComXMLHTTP As Object' 访问网页的 XMLHTTP 对象
Dim byteHTML() As Byte' 存储网页内容的字节流数组变量

On Error Resume Next' 开始设置错误陷阱,防止程序发生意外错误而崩溃
strUserList = ""
strSearch = "class=""dropmenu"" onmouSEOver=""showMenu(this.id)"">"
lngSearchSize = LenB(StrConv(strSearch,vbFromUnicode))

Set ComXMLHTTP = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")'初始化 XMLHTTP 对象
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
MsgBox "错误:" & Err.Number & "," & Err.Description
Exit Sub
End If
ComXMLHTTP.Open "GET","http://bbs.duowan.com/thread-17408898-2-1.html",False'设置访问方式和URL地址
ComXMLHTTP.setRequestHeader "CONTENT-TYPE","application/x-www-form-urlencoded"'向HTTP头加入参数
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
MsgBox "错误:" & Err.Number & "," & Err.Description
Exit Sub
End If
If ComXMLHTTP.Status <> 200 Then
MsgBox "访问URL失败,请您确定。",64, "提示"
Exit Sub
End If
byteHTML = ComXMLHTTP.ResponseBody
Call SaveTextFile("c:/UTF-8.txt",byteHTML,"UTF-8")' 保存原始数据到磁盘,可以验证数据的完整性

byteHTML = UTF8ToUnicode(byteHTML)
Call SaveTextFile("c:/Unicode.txt","Unicode")' 保存转换 Unicode 后的数据到磁盘,可以验证数据的完整性

byteHTML = UnicodeToGB2312(byteHTML)
Call SaveTextFile("c:/GB2312.txt",byteHTML)' 保存转换 GB2312 后的数据到磁盘,可以验证数据的完整性

lngStart = InStr_Array(0,strSearch)
If lngStart >= 0 Then
lngStart = lngStart + lngSearchSize
lngStart = InStr_Array(lngStart,strSearch)
If lngStart >= 0 Then
lngStart = lngStart + lngSearchSize
lngEnd = InStr_Array(lngStart,"")
strTemp = Mid_Array(byteHTML,lngStart,lngEnd - lngStart)
lngStart = lngEnd
strUserList = strUserList & strTemp & vbCrLf
End If
Loop While lngStart >= 0
End If
Text1.Text = strUserList
End Sub

Function UTF8ToUnicode(ByRef funUTF8() As Byte) As Byte()
Dim lngLength As Long
Dim lngLengthB As Long
Dim lngUTF8Char As Long
Dim intWChar As Integer
Dim byteTemp As Byte
Dim byteBit As Byte
Dim byteUnicode() As Byte
Dim lngUTF8Count As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long

On Error Resume Next' 开始设置错误陷阱,防止程序发生意外错误而崩溃
lngLengthB = 0

lngLength = UBound(funUTF8) + 1
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Exit Function
End If

For i = 0 To lngLength - 1
lngUTF8Count = 0
byteTemp = funUTF8(i)
For j = 1 To 7
byteBit = Int(byteTemp / (2 ^ (8 - j)))'二进制位向右偏移 (8 - j) 个二进制位
byteBit = byteBit And 1'取最后一个二进制位值
If byteBit = 1 Then
lngUTF8Count = lngUTF8Count + 1
Exit For
End If
Next j

If lngUTF8Count < 2 Or lngUTF8Count > 3 Then
If lngLengthB = 0 Then
lngLengthB = 2
ReDim byteUnicode(lngLengthB - 1)
lngLengthB = lngLengthB + 2
ReDim Preserve byteUnicode(lngLengthB - 1)
End If
byteUnicode(lngLengthB - 2) = byteTemp
For j = 0 To lngUTF8Count - 1
byteTemp = funUTF8(i + j)
If j = 0 Then
byteTemp = byteTemp And ((2 ^ (8 - (lngUTF8Count + 1))) - 1)
lngUTF8Char = byteTemp
byteTemp = byteTemp And &H3F
lngUTF8Char = lngUTF8Char * &H40'向左偏移6位好存储后面的6位数据
lngUTF8Char = lngUTF8Char Or byteTemp'将低6位的数据补充到编码中
End If
Next j
If lngLengthB = 0 Then
lngLengthB = 2
ReDim byteUnicode(lngLengthB - 1)
lngLengthB = lngLengthB + 2
ReDim Preserve byteUnicode(lngLengthB - 1)
End If
byteUnicode(lngLengthB - 2) = lngUTF8Char And 255
byteUnicode(lngLengthB - 1) = Int(lngUTF8Char / (2 ^ 8)) And 255
i = i + (lngUTF8Count - 1)
End If
If i > (lngLength - 1) Then
Exit For
End If
Next i

UTF8ToUnicode = byteUnicode
End Function

Function UnicodeToGB2312(ByRef funUnicode() As Byte) As Byte()
Dim lngLength As Long
Dim lngLengthB As Long
Dim byteGB2312() As Byte
Dim i As Long
Dim intWChar As Integer
Dim intChar As Integer

On Error Resume Next' 开始设置错误陷阱,防止程序发生意外错误而崩溃
lngLengthB = 0

lngLength = UBound(funUnicode) + 1
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Exit Function
End If
lngLength = lngLength / 2

For i = 0 To lngLength - 1
CopyMemory intWChar,funUnicode(i * 2),2
intChar = Asc(StrConv(ChrW(intWChar),vbNarrow))
If intChar < 0 Or intChar > 255 Then
If lngLengthB = 0 Then
lngLengthB = 2
ReDim byteGB2312(lngLengthB - 1)
byteGB2312(lngLengthB - 1) = intChar And 255
byteGB2312(lngLengthB - 2) = Int(CLng("&H" & Hex(intChar)) / (2 ^ 8)) And 255
lngLengthB = lngLengthB + 2
ReDim Preserve byteGB2312(lngLengthB - 1)
byteGB2312(lngLengthB - 1) = intChar And 255
byteGB2312(lngLengthB - 2) = Int(CLng("&H" & Hex(intChar)) / (2 ^ 8)) And 255
End If
If lngLengthB = 0 Then
lngLengthB = 1
ReDim byteGB2312(lngLengthB - 1)
byteGB2312(lngLengthB - 1) = CByte(intChar)
lngLengthB = lngLengthB + 1
ReDim Preserve byteGB2312(lngLengthB - 1)
byteGB2312(lngLengthB - 1) = CByte(intChar)
End If
End If
Next i

UnicodeToGB2312 = byteGB2312
End Function

Function InStr_Array(ByVal funStart As Long,_
ByRef funBytes() As Byte,_
ByVal funFind As String) As Long
Dim byteFindArray() As Byte
Dim lngBytesCount As Long
Dim lngFindCount As Long
Dim lngIsFind As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long

On Error Resume Next' 开始设置错误陷阱,防止程序发生意外错误而崩溃
InStr_Array = -1

If Len(funFind) = 0 Then
Exit Function
End If
lngBytesCount = UBound(funBytes)
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Exit Function
End If
byteFindArray = StrConv(funFind,vbFromUnicode)
lngFindCount = UBound(byteFindArray)
If funStart + lngFindCount > lngBytesCount Then
Exit Function
End If

For i = funStart To lngBytesCount
lngIsFind = 1
For j = 0 To lngFindCount
If funBytes(i + j) < &HA0 And byteFindArray(j) < &HA0 Then
If UCase(Chr(funBytes(i + j))) <> UCase(Chr(byteFindArray(j))) Then
lngIsFind = 0
Exit For
End If
If funBytes(i + j) <> byteFindArray(j) Then
lngIsFind = 0
Exit For
End If
End If
Next j
If lngIsFind = 1 Then
InStr_Array = i
Exit For
End If
Next i
End Function

Function Mid_Array(ByRef funBytes() As Byte,_
ByVal funStart As Long,_
ByVal funCount As Long) As String
Dim byteRead() As Byte
Dim lngBytesCount As Long

On Error Resume Next' 开始设置错误陷阱,防止程序发生意外错误而崩溃
Mid_Array = ""

lngBytesCount = UBound(funBytes)
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Exit Function
End If
If funStart + funCount > lngBytesCount Then
Exit Function
End If

ReDim byteRead(funCount - 1)
CopyMemory byteRead(0),funBytes(funStart),funCount
Mid_Array = StrConv(byteRead,vbUnicode)
End Function

Sub SaveTextFile(ByVal funFileName As String,_
Optional ByVal funMode As String = "GB2312")
Dim fs As Integer

On Error Resume Next' 开始设置错误陷阱,防止程序发生意外错误而崩溃
fs = FreeFile
Open funFileName For Output As #fs
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
MsgBox "错误:" & Err.Number & "," & Err.Description,16, "错误"
Exit Sub
End If
Close #fs

fs = FreeFile
Open funFileName For Binary As #fs
Select Case UCase(funMode)
Case "GB2312":'输出 GB2312 编码的文本文件
Put #1,1, funBytes

Case "UNICODE":'输出 Unicode 编码的文本文件
Put #1, CByte(&HFF)
Put #1,2, CByte(&HFE)
Put #1,3, funBytes

Case "UTF-8":'输出 UTF-8 编码的文本文件
Put #1, CByte(&HEF)
Put #1, CByte(&HBB)
Put #1, CByte(&HBF)
Put #1,4, funBytes
End Select
Close #fs
End Sub
