03-03 创建和编辑AutoCAD实体(三) 使用选择集(2)

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了03-03 创建和编辑AutoCAD实体(三) 使用选择集(2)前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。

4、DefineRules for Selection Filters定义选择集过滤器规则

You can limit which objects are selectedand added to a selection set by using a selection filter. A selection filterlist can be used to filter selected objects by properties or type. For example,you might want to select only blue objects or objects on a certain layer. Youcan also combine selection criteria. For example,you can create a selectionfilter that limits selection to blue circles on the layer named Pattern.Selection filters can be specified as a parameter for the different selectionmethods in SelectObjects in the Drawing Area.


Note Filtering recognizes values explicitly assigned toobjects,not those inherited by the layer. For example,if an object’s linetypeproperty is set to ByLayer and the layer it is assigned is set to the Hiddenlinetype; filtering for objects assigned the Hidden linetype will not selectthese objects since their linetype property is set to ByLayer.


Topics in this section本小节内容

·Use Selection Filters to Define Selection Set Rules 使用选择过滤器定义选择集规则

·Specify Multiple Criteria in a Selection Filter 多个过滤条件

·Add Complexity to Your Filter List Conditions 复杂的过滤条件

·Use Wild-Card Patterns in Selection Set Filter Criteria 在过滤条件里使用通配

·Filter for Extended Data 过滤扩展数据

4.1、UseSelection Filters to Define Selection Set Rules使用选择过滤器定义选择集规则

Selection filters are composed of pairs ofarguments in the form of TypedValues. The first argument of a TypedValueidentifies the type of filter (for example,an object),and the second argumentspecifies the value you are filtering on (for example,circles). The filtertype is a DXF group code that specifies which filter to use. A few of the mostcommon filter types are listed here.


For a complete list of DXF group codes,see Group Code Value Types in the DXF Reference.


Specify a single selection criterion fora selection set 指定单个选择条件

The following code prompts users to selectobjects to be included in a selection set,and filters out all objects exceptfor circles.








Public SubFilterSelectionSet()

'' Get the current document editor

Dim acDocEd As Editor =Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Editor

'' Create a TypedValue array to define thefilter criteria

Dim acTypValAr(0) As TypedValue


'' Assign the filter criteria to aSelectionFilter object

Dim acSelFtr As SelectionFilter = NewSelectionFilter(acTypValAr)

'' Request for objects to be selected in thedrawing area

Dim acSSPrompt As PromptSelectionResult

acSSPrompt = acDocEd.GetSelection(acSelFtr)

'' If the prompt status is OK,objects wereselected

If acSSPrompt.Status = PromptStatus.OK Then

Dim acSSet As SelectionSet =acSSPrompt.Value

Application.ShowAlertDialog("Number ofobjects selected: " & _



Application.ShowAlertDialog("Numberof objects selected: 0")

End If

End Sub







public static voidFilterSelectionSet()


// Get the current document editor获取当前文档编辑器

Editor acDocEd =Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Editor;

// Create a TypedValue array to define thefilter criteria

// 创建一个TypedValue数组来定义过滤器条件

TypedValue[] acTypValAr = new TypedValue[1];


// Assign the filter criteria to aSelectionFilter object

// 将过滤器条件赋值给SelectionFilter对象

SelectionFilter acSelFtr = newSelectionFilter(acTypValAr);

// Request for objects to be selected in thedrawing area

// 请求用户在图形区域选择对象

PromptSelectionResult acSSPrompt;

acSSPrompt = acDocEd.GetSelection(acSelFtr);

// If the prompt status is OK,255)"> // 提示状态OK,表示用户已选完

if (acSSPrompt.Status == PromptStatus.OK)


SelectionSet acSSet = acSSPrompt.Value;

Application.ShowAlertDialog("Number of objects selected: " +




Application.ShowAlertDialog("Numberof objects selected: 0");


VBA/ActiveX CodeReference

Sub FilterSelectionSet()

' Create a new selection set

Dim sset As AcadSelectionSet

Set sset =ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Add("SS1")

' Define the filter list,only Circleobjects

' will be selectable

Dim FilterType(0) As Integer

Dim FilterData(0) As Variant

FilterType(0) = 0

FilterData(0) = "Circle"

' Prompt the user to select objects

' and add them to the selection set

sset.SelectOnScreen FilterType,FilterData

MsgBox "Number of objects selected:" & sset.Count

' Remove the selection set at the end


End Sub

4.2、SpecifyMultiple Criteria in a Selection Filter多个过滤条件

A selection filter can contain filteringcriteria for more than just one property or object. You define the total numberof conditions to filter on by declaring an array containing enough elements torepresent each of the filter criterion.


Select objects that meet two criterion 选择满足两个条件的对象

The following example specifies twocriterion to filter selected objects by: the object must be a circle and itmust reside on layer 0.




Public SubFilterBlueCircleOnLayer0()

Dim acTypValAr(2) As TypedValue



'' Assign the filter criteria to a SelectionFilterobject

Application.ShowAlertDialog("Numberof objects selected: " & _


public static voidFilterBlueCircleOnLayer0()

// 创建TypedValue数组定义过滤条件

TypedValue[] acTypValAr = new TypedValue[3];

acTypValAr.SetValue(new TypedValue((int)DxfCode.Color,1);


// 将过滤条件赋值给SelectionFilter对象

// 请求在图形区域选择对象

PromptSelectionResult acSSPrompt;

// 如果提示状态OK,表示对象已选

Application.ShowAlertDialog("Numberof objects selected: " +



' on layer 0

Dim FilterType(2) As Integer

Dim FilterData(2) As Variant

FilterType(0) = 62: FilterData(0) = 3

FilterType(1) = 0: FilterData(1) ="Circle"

FilterType(2) = 8: FilterData(2) ="0"

End Sub

4.3、AddComplexity to Your Filter List Conditions复杂的过滤条件

When you specify multiple selectioncriteria,AutoCAD assumes the selected object must meet each criterion. You canqualify your criteria in other ways. For numeric items,you can specifyrelational operations (for example,the radius of a circle must be greaterthan or equal to 5.0). And for all items,you can specify logicaloperations (for example,Text or MText).


Use a -4 DXF code or the constantDxfCode.Operator to indicate a relational operator in a selection filter. Theoperator is expressed as a string. The allowable relational operators are shownin the following table.


Relational operators for selection set filter lists关系运算符列表




Anything goes (always true)任何情况(总为True)




Not equal to不等于


Not equal to不等于


Not equal to不等于


Less than小于


Less than or equal to小于等于


Greater than大于


Greater than or equal to大于等于


Bitwise AND (integer groups only)位与(仅限整数组)


Bitwise masked equals (integer groups only)位屏蔽等于(仅限整数组)

Logical operators in a selection filterare also indicated by a -4 group code or the constant DxfCode.Operator,and theoperator is a string,but the operators must be paired. The opening operator ispreceded by a less-than symbol (<),and the closing operator is followed bya greater-than symbol (>). The following table lists the logical operatorsallowed in selection set filtering.


Logical grouping operators for selection set filter lists

Starting operator起始操作符


Ending operator结束操作符


One or more operands一个以上操作数



One or more operands一个以上操作数



Two operands两个操作数



One operand一个操作数


Select a circle whose radius is greaterthan or equal to 5.0 选择半径大于等于5.0的圆

The following example selects circleswhose radius is greater than or equal to 5.0.




Public SubFilterRelational()

acTypValAr.SetValue(NewTypedValue(DxfCode.Operator,">="),255)"> acTypValAr.SetValue(New TypedValue(40,255)">[CommandMethod("FilterRelational")]

public static voidFilterRelational()

// 创建TypedValue来定义过滤条件

acTypValAr.SetValue(newTypedValue((int)DxfCode.Operator,255)"> acTypValAr.SetValue(new TypedValue(40,255)"> // 将过滤条件复制给SelectionFilter对象

// 提示栏OK,表示对象已选


VBA/ActiveX Code Reference


FilterType(0) = 0: FilterData(0) ="Circle"

FilterType(1) = -4: FilterData(1) =">="

FilterType(2) = 40: FilterData(2) = 5#

End Sub

Select either Text or MText 选择单行文字或多行文字

The following example specifies thateither Text or MText objects can be selected.




Public SubFilterForText()

Dim acTypValAr(3) As TypedValue

acTypValAr.SetValue(New TypedValue(DxfCode.Start,"TEXT"),"MTEXT"),"or>"),3)


public static voidFilterForText()

// Get the current document editor

TypedValue[] acTypValAr = new TypedValue[4];

Sub FilterForText()

Dim FilterType(3) As Integer

Dim FilterData(3) As Variant

FilterType(0) = -4: FilterData(0) ="<or"

FilterType(1) = 0: FilterData(1) ="TEXT"

FilterType(2) = 0: FilterData(2) ="MTEXT"

FilterType(3) = -4: FilterData(3) ="or>"

End Sub

4.4、UseWild-Card Patterns in Selection Set Filter Criteria在过滤条件里使用通配

Symbol names and strings in selectionfilters can include wild-card patterns.


The following table identifies thewild-card characters recognized by AutoCAD,and what each means in the contextof a string:


Use a reverse quote (`) to indicate that acharacter is not a wildcard,but is to be taken literally. For example,tospecify that only an anonymous block named “*U2” be included in the selectionset,use the value“`*U2”.


Select MText where a specific wordappears in the text 选择包含指定文字的MText

The following example defines a selectionfilter that selects MText objects that contain the text string of “The”.




Public SubFilterMtextWildcard()

Dim acTypValAr(1) As TypedValue

acTypValAr.SetValue(New TypedValue(DxfCode.Text,"*The*"),255)">using Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices;


public static voidFilterMtextWildcard()

TypedValue[] acTypValAr = new TypedValue[2];


Dim FilterType(1) As Integer

Dim FilterData(1) As Variant

FilterData(0) = "MTEXT"

FilterType(1) = 1

FilterData(1) = "*The*"

End Sub

4.5、Filterfor Extended Data过滤扩展数据

External applications can attach data suchas text strings,numeric values,3D points,distances,and layer names to AutoCADobjects. This data is referred to as extended data,or xdata. You can filterentities containing extended data for a specified application.


Select circles that contain xdata 选择含有扩展数据的圆

The following example filters for circlescontaining xdata added by the “MY_APP” application:




Public SubFilterXdata()



public static voidFilterXdata()

acTypValAr.SetValue(new TypedValue((int)DxfCode.Start,255)"> acTypValAr.SetValue(newTypedValue((int)DxfCode.ExtendedDataRegAppName,

SelectionFilter acSelFtr = new SelectionFilter(acTypValAr);

Sub FilterXdata()

FilterType(1) = 1001: FilterData(1) ="MY_APP"

End Sub

5、Remove Objects From a Selection Set从选择集删除对象

After you create a selection set,you canwork with the object ids of the objects selected. Selection sets do not allowyou to add or remove object ids from it,but you can use an ObjectIdCollectionobject to merge multiple selection sets into a single object to work with. Youcan add and remove object ids from an ObjectIdCollection object. Use the Remove or RemoveAt methods to remove an object id from anObjectIdCollection object. For information on merging multiple selection setsand working with an ObjectIdCollection object,see AddTo or Merge Multiple Selection Sets.



