这种方法请参考http://blog.csdn.net/arthur_killer/article/details/44523559 或者http://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2016-01/128043.htm
方法二: 在终端下,执行如下脚本(直接复制粘贴并运行,或者建立一个sh脚本再运行都OK)
# Install xbacklight in case it is not already installed (small). sudo apt-get install xbacklight # You should test xbacklight with command-line to see if it works. For example: # xbacklight = 100 ; sleep 2 ; xbacklight = 30 # Try to figure out a suitable value for your hardware and lighting conditions. # This creates a small script running xbacklight. # You can change the =30 into another value if you wish. # The "|| true" ensures that if xbacklight fails for any reason,X can still start. sudo bash -c '{ echo "#!/bin/bash" echo "xbacklight =30 || true" } >> /etc/lightdm/display-setup-script.sh ' # This makes that script executable sudo chmod a+rx /etc/lightdm/display-setup-script.sh # This instructs lightdm to run the script when starting X. # Specifically,it adds a line display-setup-script in a lightdm configuration file/,but only if there is not one already. if grep -ri ^display-setup-script /etc/lightdm/ then echo "There may be already a display-setup-script. It may already do what you need. Else please adjust manually" ; else if [[ -d /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d ]] then # Ubuntu 13.10 and above have lightdm.conf.d. 14.04 *only* have lightdm.conf.d DESTCONFFILE=/etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/20-default-brightness.conf else # Ubuntu 12.04,14.10 do not have lightdm.conf.d,we change main configuration file DESTCONFFILE=/etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf fi echo "Writing into $DESTCONFFILE" sudo bash -c "{ echo '[SeatDefaults]' ; echo display-setup-script=/etc/lightdm/display-setup-script.sh ; } >>$DESTCONFFILE" ; fi在我自己的 Ubuntu 14.04 上面,第一种方法无效,第二种方法有效。 祝你好运! 原文链接:https://www.f2er.com/ubuntu/356018.html