一般都是按月的,包含,交易日期,交易金额,交易状态(可有可无) 总交易额等等。 如果数据多的话,最好能够分页。 最好能够查询具体的哪一个商户。
SELECT a.id as user_id,a.username,b.name as store_name,c.id as order_id,c.price,c.paytime,c.sendtime,c.receivetime FROM sh_user a
LEFT JOIN sh_store b on a.id = b.user_id
LEFT JOIN sh_order c ON b.id = c.store_id
WHERE a.opener_id = 1 and a.`status` = 1 and c.status = 1 ORDER BY c.id desc;
SELECT count(b.id) as count,sum(c.price) as total_price FROM sh_user a
LEFT JOIN sh_store b on a.id = b.user_id
LEFT JOIN sh_order c ON b.id = c.store_id
WHERE a.opener_id = 1 and a.`status` = 1 and c.status = 1;
$s_year = $this->_request('s_year','trim');
$s_month = $this->_request('s_month','trim');
$s_user_id = $this->_request('s_user_id','trim,intval');
if($type == 'last'){ // 获取上一月
$useYear = $s_year-1;
$useMonth = 12;
$useYear = $s_year;
$useMonth = $s_month-1;
if($type == 'next'){ // 获取下一月
$useYear = $s_year+1;
$useMonth = 1;
$useYear = $s_year;
$useMonth = $s_month+1;
if ($type == 'selectuser'){
$useYear = $s_year;
$useMonth = $s_month;
// 获取当前年 月
$useYear = date('Y');
$useMonth = date('m');
$b_time = strtotime($useYear.'-'.$useMonth.'-'.'1');
$e_time = strtotime($useYear.'-'.$useMonth.'-'.date('t',strtotime($b_time)).' 23:59:59');
if(isset($s_user_id) && $s_user_id > 0){
$where['a.id'] = $s_user_id;
$where['a.opener_id'] = $this->opener_id;
$where['a.status'] = 1; // 合法的用户
$where['c.status'] = 1; // 合法的订单
$where['c.paytime'] = array(array('gt',$b_time),array('lt',$e_time),'and');
$count_and_totalprice = M()->table('sh_user a')
->join('sh_store b on a.id = b.user_id')
->join('sh_order c on b.id = c.store_id')
->field('count(b.id) as count,sum(c.price) as totalprice')
$count = $count_and_totalprice['count'];
$totalprice = $count_and_totalprice['totalprice'] ? $count_and_totalprice['totalprice'] : 0;
$Page = new Page($count,10);
$list = M()->table('sh_user a')
->join('sh_store b on a.id = b.user_id')
->join('sh_order c on b.id = c.store_id')
->order('c.id desc')
->field('a.id as user_id,c.receivetime')
foreach ($list as $k => $v) {
if($v['sendtime'] == 0 && $v['receivetime'] == 0){
$list[$k]['progress'] = '1'; // 已付款,待发货
if($v['sendtime'] > 0 && $v['receivetime'] == 0){
$list[$k]['progress'] = '2'; // 已发货,待签收
if($v['sendtime'] > 0 && $v['receivetime'] > 0){
$list[$k]['progress'] = '3'; // 交易完成
// 获取拓展员用户
$user_list = M('User')