Numeric Types & Operations
1、In Swift,you can even use the modulo operate with fractional numbers,like so:
let moduloDecimal = 11.6 % 1.2
In this case,moduloDecimal
equals 0.8,because 1.2 goes into 11.6 nine times with a remainder of 0.8.
2、One reason for using shifts is to make multiplying or dividing by powers of two easy. Notice that shifting left by one is the same as multiplying by two,shifting left by two is the same as multiplying by four,and so on. Likewise,shifting right by one is the same as dividing by two,shifting right by two is the same as dividing by four,and so on.
let hourlyRate = 19.5 let hoursWorked = 10 let totalCost = hourlyRate * hoursWorked // wrong let totalCost = hourlyRate * Double(hoursWorked) //right原文链接:https://www.f2er.com/swift/324526.html