
我已经检查了 this question,并且认为我得到了答案 – 但那时我看起来并不合适. @H_301_1@我有以下简化示例:

CREATE TABLE pipelines (                                                        
        name VARCHAR NOT NULL,owner VARCHAR NOT NULL,description VARCHAR,PRIMARY KEY (name,owner),FOREIGN KEY(owner) REFERENCES user (id)                                 
CREATE TABLE tasks (                                                            
        id INTEGER NOT NULL,title VARCHAR,pipeline VARCHAR,owner VARCHAR,PRIMARY KEY (id),FOREIGN KEY(pipeline) REFERENCES pipelines (name),FOREIGN KEY(owner) REFERENCES pipelines (owner)                         
CREATE TABLE user (                                                           
        id VARCHAR NOT NULL,name VARCHAR,password VARCHAR,PRIMARY KEY (id)                                                        
pragma foreign_keys=on;                                                         

insert into user values ('wayne','','');                                    
insert into pipelines values ('pipey','wayne','');                            
insert into tasks values (1,'hello','pipey','wayne');

$sqlite3 foo.sq3 '.read mismatch.sql'    
Error: near line 27: foreign key mismatch



@H_301_1@Usually,the parent key of a foreign key constraint is the primary key of the parent table. If they are not the primary key,then the parent key columns must be collectively subject to a UNIQUE constraint or have a UNIQUE index.



FOREIGN KEY(pipeline,owner) REFERENCES pipelines(name,owner)
