drop table if exists learning_new4;
create table learning_new4(id INTEGER default 1 primary key AUTOINCREMENT,sTtile text,sContent text,sort text);
insert into learning_new4(sTtile,sContent,sort) select sTtile,sort from learning_new3 order by sort desc;
// 从这个表中选取一部分字段,然后放到一个新生成的表中
drop table if exists FullNew;
create table FullNew(id INTEGER DEFAULT 1 PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,sTitle varchar(80),sContent memo,sort TEXT);
insert into FullNew(sTitle,sort) select field2,field3,field4 from learning_new4 order by field4 desc;
// 创建新表从已有表中。
drop table if exists duanxinleyuan;
create table duanxinleyuan(id INTEGER DEFAULT 1 PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,sContent memo);
insert into duanxinleyuan(sTitle,sContent) select sTitle,sContent from FullNew where id between 1 and 59;
// 把FullNew中的id为60到140之间的行插入到已有表的末尾
insert into duanxinleyuan(sTitle,sContent from FullNew where id between 60 and 140;
// 如我想删除表A中ID=50~150之间的100条记录
// 删除行数据
DELETE FROM A WHERE chapterid > 49 AND chapterid < 151
// 从已有表中进行倒序,生成新表, 按id倒序
drop table if exists guihua_des;
create table guihua_des(id INTEGER default 1 primary key AUTOINCREMENT,sContent memo);
insert into guihua_des(sTitle,sContent from guihua order by id desc;