The EAVCapture device needs to record its runtime log information. So for easy operation,
I choose the sqlite. It's suitable for the embedded device.
The default database file should be created automatically when the application starts at the first time.
I use the following sql statement to detect if the file is exist.
qDebug()<<"open sqlite database Failed!";
//create table.
QsqlQuery tsqlQuery(this->m_database);
if(!tsqlQuery.exec("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM devlog"))
//if select is Failed,then create the table.
qDebug()<<"start to initial database";
if(!tsqlQuery.exec("CREATE TABLE devlog (CreateTime DATETIME,LogLevel INT,LogMessage BLOB)"))
qDebug()<<"create table failes!";
qDebug()<<"create table success!";
qDebug()<<"database is already exists!";
If the file is exist,the sql statement "select count(*) from devlog" should return zero or positive value,
otherwise the exec() function will fails and return false. I can use its return value to know if it is exist.
by zhangshaoyan at May 24,2015 night.
And codes show how to insert a log message:
QString tCreateTime=QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss");
QString tsqlStatement=QString("INSERT INTO [devlog] ([CreateTime],[LogLevel],[LogMessage]) VALUES ('%1',%2,'%3')").arg(tCreateTime).arg(logLevel).arg(logMessage);
QsqlQuery tsqlQuery;
return -1;
return 0;