Testing if we have a valid URL
// Create an example of how to test for correctly formed URLs var tester = VerEx() .startOfLine() .then( "http" ) .maybe( "s" ) .then( "://" ) .maybe( "www." ) .anythingBut( " " ) .endOfLine(); // Create an example URL var testMe = ""; // Use RegExp object's native test() function if( tester.test( testMe ) ) alert( "We have a correct URL "); // This output will fire else alert( "The URL is incorrect" ); console.log( tester ); // Ouputs the actual expression used: /^(http)(s)?(\:\/\/)(www\.)?([^\ ]*)$/
Replacing strings
// Create a test string var replaceMe = "Replace bird with a duck"; // Create an expression that seeks for word "bird" var expression = VerEx().find( "bird" ); // Execute the expression like a normal RegExp object var result = expression.replace( replaceMe,"duck" ); alert( result ); // Outputs "Replace duck with a duck"
Shorthand for string replace
var result = VerEx().find( "red" ).replace( "We have a red house","blue" ); alert( result ); // Outputs "We have a blue house"