正则表达式 – 如何使用R解析sysmon文件以提取某些信息?

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了正则表达式 – 如何使用R解析sysmon文件以提取某些信息?前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。


last_run                        current_run                     seconds     
 ------------------------------- ------------------------------- ----------- 
             Jul  4 2016  7:17AM             Jul  4 2016  7:21AM         226 

Engine Utilization (Tick %)   User Busy   System Busy    I/O Busy        Idle
  -------------------------  ------------  ------------  ----------  ---------- 
  ThreadPool : syb_default_pool                                                 
   Engine 0                         5.0 %         0.4 %      22.4 %      72.1 % 
   Engine 1                         3.9 %         0.5 %      22.8 %      72.8 % 
   Engine 2                         5.6 %         0.3 %      22.5 %      71.6 % 
   Engine 3                         5.1 %         0.4 %      22.7 %      71.8 % 

     -------------------------  ------------  ------------  ----------  ---------- 
  Pool Summary        Total       336.1 %        25.6 %    1834.6 %    5803.8 % 
                    Average         4.2 %         0.3 %      22.9 %      72.5 % 

  -------------------------  ------------  ------------  ----------  ---------- 
  Server Summary      Total       336.1 %        25.6 %    1834.6 %    5803.8 % 
                    Average         4.2 %         0.3 %      22.9 %      72.5 % 

Transaction Profile

  Transaction Summary             per sec      per xact       count  % of total
  -------------------------  ------------  ------------  ----------  ---------- 
    Committed Xacts                 137.3           n/a       41198     n/a     

     Average Runnable Tasks            1 min         5 min      15 min  % of total
  -------------------------  ------------  ------------  ----------  ---------- 
  ThreadPool : syb_default_pool                                                 
   Global Queue                       0.0           0.0         0.0       0.0 %
   Engine 0                           0.0           0.1         0.1       0.6 %
   Engine 1                           0.0           0.0         0.0       0.0 %
   Engine 2                           0.2           0.1         0.1       2.6 %

  -------------------------  ------------  ------------  ----------             
  Pool Summary        Total           7.2           5.9         6.1             
                    Average           0.1           0.1         0.1             

  -------------------------  ------------  ------------  ----------             
  Server Summary      Total           7.2           5.9         6.1             
                    Average           0.1           0.1         0.1 

Device Activity Detail

    datadev_125                   per sec      per xact       count  % of total
  -------------------------  ------------  ------------  ----------  ---------- 
  Total I/Os                          0.0           0.0           0       n/a   
  -------------------------  ------------  ------------  ----------  ---------- 
  Total I/Os                          0.0           0.0           0       0.0 %


    datadev_126                   per sec      per xact       count  % of total
  -------------------------  ------------  ------------  ----------  ---------- 
  Total I/Os                          0.0           0.0           0       n/a   
  -------------------------  ------------  ------------  ----------  ---------- 
  Total I/Os                          0.0           0.0           0       0.0 %


    datadev_127                   per sec      per xact       count  % of total
  -------------------------  ------------  ------------  ----------  ---------- 
      APF                             0.0           0.0           5       0.4 %
      Non-APF                         0.0           0.0           1       0.1 %
    Writes                            3.8           0.0        1128      99.5 %
  -------------------------  ------------  ------------  ----------  ---------- 
  Total I/Os                          3.8           0.0        1134       0.1 %

  Mirror Semaphore Granted            3.8           0.0        1134     100.0 %
  Mirror Semaphore Waited             0.0           0.0           0       0.0 %


    GPS_datadev_000               per sec      per xact       count  % of total
  -------------------------  ------------  ------------  ----------  ---------- 
      APF                             7.9           0.0        2372      55.9 %
      Non-APF                         5.5           0.0        1635      38.6 %
    Writes                            0.8           0.0         233       5.5 %
  -------------------------  ------------  ------------  ----------  ---------- 
  Total I/Os                         14.1           0.0        4240       0.3 %

  Mirror Semaphore Granted           14.1           0.0        4239     100.0 %
  Mirror Semaphore Waited             0.0           0.0           2       0.0 %

来自“引擎利用率(勾选%)行,服务器摘要 – >平均值”4.2%“

从“交易配置文件”部分 – >交易配置文件“计数”条目.


Date                     cpu   Count
Jul  4 2016  7:21AM      4.2   41198



read.table(text=readLines("file.txt")[count.fields("file.txt",blank.lines.skip=FALSE) == 9])


Average         4.2 %         0.3 %      22.9 %      72.5 %




read.table(text=readLines("file.txt")[count.fields("file.txt",blank.lines.skip=FALSE) == 9])


%%%% Shot 1 – 得到了一些工作
extract <- function(filenam="file.txt"){
    txt <- readLines(filenam)

    ## date of current run:
    ## assumed to be on 2nd line following the first line matching "current_run"
    ii <- 2 + grep("current_run",txt,fixed=TRUE)[1]
    line_current_run <- Filter(function(v) v!="",strsplit(txt[ii]," ")[[1]])
    date_current_run <- paste(line_current_run[5:8],collapse=" ")

    ## cpu:
    ## assumed to be on line following the first line matching "Server Summary"
    ## which comes after the first line matching "Engine Utilization ..."
    jj <- grep("Engine Utilization (Tick %)",fixed=TRUE)[1]
    ii <- grep("Server Summary",fixed=TRUE)
    ii <- 1 + min(ii[ii>jj])
    line_cpu <- Filter(function(v) v!=""," ")[[1]])
    cpu <- line_cpu[2]

    ## Count:
    ## assumed to be on 2nd line following the first line matching "Transaction Summary"
    ii <- 2 + grep("Transaction Summary",fixed=TRUE)[1]
    line_count <- Filter(function(v) v!=""," ")[[1]])
    count <- line_count[5]



##file.list <- dir("./")
file.list <- rep("file.txt",3)
merged <- do.call("rbind",lapply(file.list,extract))


file.list <- rep("file.txt",2000)
print(system.time(merged <- do.call("rbind",extract))))
## runs in about 2.5 secs on my laptop

%%% Shot 2:第一次尝试提取(可能可变)数量的设备列

extractv2 <- function(filenam="file2.txt"){
    txt <- readLines(filenam)

    ## date of current run:
    ## assumed to be on 2nd line following the first line matching "current_run"
    ii <- 2 + grep("current_run"," ")[[1]])
    count <- line_count[5]

    ## Total I/Os
    ## 1. Each line "Device:" is assumed to be the header of a block of lines
    ##    containing info about a single device (there are 4 such blocks
    ##    in your example);
    ## 2. each block is assumed to contain one or more lines matching
    ##    "Total I/Os";
    ## 3. the relevant count data is assumed to be contained in the last
    ##    of such lines (at column 4),for each block.
    ## Approach: loop on the line numbers of those lines matching "Device:"
    ## to get: A. counts; B. device names
    ii_block_dev <- grep("Device:",fixed=TRUE)
    ii_lines_IOs <- grep("Total I/Os",fixed=TRUE)
    nblocks <- length(ii_block_dev)
    ## A. get counts for each device
    ## for each block,select *last* line matching "Total I/Os"
    ii_block_dev_aux <- c(ii_block_dev,Inf) ## just a hack to get a clean code
    ii_lines_IOs_dev <- sapply(1:nblocks,function(block){
        ## select matching liens to "Total I/Os" within each block
        IOs_per_block <- ii_lines_IOs[ ii_lines_IOs > ii_block_dev_aux[block  ] &
                                       ii_lines_IOs < ii_block_dev_aux[block+1]
        tail(IOs_per_block,1) ## get the last line of each block (if more than one match)
    lines_IOs <- lapply(txt[ii_lines_IOs_dev],function(strng){
        Filter(function(v) v!="",strsplit(strng," ")[[1]])
    IOs_counts <- sapply(lines_IOs,function(v) v[5])
    ## B. get device names:
    ## assumed to be on lines following each "Device:" match
    ii_devices <- 1 + ii_block_dev
    device_names <- sapply(ii_devices,function(ii){
        Filter(function(v) v!=""," ")[[1]])
    ## Create a data.frame with "device_names" as column names and "IOs_counts" as
    ## the values of a single row.
    ## Sorting the device names by order() will help produce the same column names
    ## if different sysmon files list the devices in different order
    ord <- order(device_names)
    devices <- as.data.frame(structure(as.list(IOs_counts[ord]),names=device_names[ord]),check.names=FALSE) ## Prevent R from messing with our device names


## merging will ONLY work if all devices have the same names across sysmon files!!
file.list <- rep("file2.txt",extractv2))

%%%%%%% Shot 3:提取两个表,一个包含一行,另一个包含可变行数(取决于每个sysmon文件中列出的设备).

extractv3 <- function(filenam="file2.txt"){
    txt <- readLines(filenam)

    ## date of current run:
    ## assumed to be on 2nd line following the first line matching "current_run"
    ii <- 2 + grep("current_run"," ")[[1]])
    count <- line_count[5]

    ## first part of output: fixed three-column structure
    fixed <-  data.frame(stringsAsFactors=FALSE,Count=count)

    ## Total I/Os
    ## 1. Each line "Device:" is assumed to be the header of a block of lines
    ##    containing info about a single device (there are 4 such blocks
    ##    in your example);
    ## 2. each block is assumed to contain one or more lines matching
    ##    "Total I/Os";
    ## 3. the relevant count data is assumed to be contained in the last
    ##    of such lines (at column 4),fixed=TRUE)
        variable <- data.frame(stringsAsFactors=FALSE,date_current_run=date_current_run,device_names=NA,IOs_counts=NA)
        ii_lines_IOs <- grep("Total I/Os",fixed=TRUE)
        nblocks <- length(ii_block_dev)
            sprintf("WEIRD datapoint at date %s: I have %d devices but 0 I/O lines??")
        ## A. get counts for each device
        ## for each block,select *last* line matching "Total I/Os"
        ii_block_dev_aux <- c(ii_block_dev,Inf) ## just a hack to get a clean code
        ii_lines_IOs_dev <- sapply(1:nblocks,function(block){
            ## select matching lines to "Total I/Os" within each block
            IOs_per_block <- ii_lines_IOs[ ii_lines_IOs > ii_block_dev_aux[block  ] &
                                           ii_lines_IOs < ii_block_dev_aux[block+1]
            tail(IOs_per_block,1) ## get the last line of each block (if more than one match)
        lines_IOs <- lapply(txt[ii_lines_IOs_dev],function(strng){
            Filter(function(v) v!=""," ")[[1]])
        IOs_counts <- sapply(lines_IOs,function(v) v[5])
        ## B. get device names:
        ## assumed to be on lines following each "Device:" match
        ii_devices <- 1 + ii_block_dev
        device_names <- sapply(ii_devices,function(ii){
            Filter(function(v) v!=""," ")[[1]])
        ## Create a data.frame with three columns: date,device,counts
        variable <- data.frame(stringsAsFactors=FALSE,date_current_run=rep(date_current_run,length(IOs_counts)),device_names=device_names,IOs_counts=IOs_counts)

file.list <- c("file.txt","file2.txt","file3.txt")
res <- lapply(file.list,extractv3)

fixed.merged <- do.call("rbind",lapply(res,function(r) r$fixed))

variable.merged <- do.call("rbind",function(r) r$variable))
