//import liraries import React,{ Component } from 'react'; import { View,Text,StyleSheet,TouchableOpacity,Dimensions,Image,ScrollView } from 'react-native'; import Swiper from 'react-native-swiper'; let { width,height } = Dimensions.get('window'); let Images = [ { src: require('../assets/images/1.jpg') },{ src: require('../assets/images/2.jpg') },{ src: require('../assets/images/3.jpg') },{ src: require('../assets/images/4.jpg') } ]; const loading = require('../assets/images/loading.gif'); // create a component class TargetView extends Component { static navigationOptions = { title: '目标',headerStyle: { backgroundColor: '#FF3344',},} _renderSwiper() { return ( <Swiper style={styles.swiperStyle} height={200} horizontal={true} autolay={true} loop={true} paginationStyle={{ bottom: 10 }} showsPagination={true} index={0} dotStyle={{ backgroundColor: 'rgba(0,.2)',width: 6,height: 6 }} activeDotStyle={{ backgroundColor: 'rgba(0,.5)',height: 6 }}> <View style={styles.swiperItem}> <Image style={styles.imageStyle} source={Images[0].src}></Image> </View> <View style={styles.swiperItem}> <Image style={styles.imageStyle} source={Images[1].src}></Image> </View> <View style={styles.swiperItem}> <Image style={styles.imageStyle} source={Images[2].src}></Image> </View> <View style={styles.swiperItem}> <Image style={styles.imageStyle} source={Images[3].src}></Image> </View> </Swiper> ) } render() { return ( <ScrollView style={styles.container}> {this._renderSwiper()} </ScrollView> ); } } // define your styles const styles = StyleSheet.create({ container: { flex: 1 },swiperStyle: { marginTop:10,width: width,swiperItem: { flex: 1,justifyContent: 'center',backgroundColor: 'transparent',imageStyle: { flex: 1,width:width,}); //make this component available to the app export default TargetView;
下面我分享一下该轮播的效果,(如果你正在做轮播,做的比较好,谢谢分享我一下,本人虚心学习,微信:jkxx123321)//import liraries import React,TouchableNativeFeedback,TouchableWithoutFeedback,ScrollView,Platform,Animated,} from 'react-native'; import Swiper from 'react-native-swiper'; import px2pd from '../utils/px2dp'; let { width,height } = Dimensions.get('window'); const isIOS = Platform.OS == 'ios'; const headH = px2pd(isIOS ? 140 : 120); const inputHeight = px2pd(28); const imgTypes = [ { src: require('../assets/images/1.jpg') },{ src: require('../assets/images/4.jpg') },{ src: require('../assets/images/1.jpg') },} constructor(props) { super(props) this.state = { location: "联锦大厦",} } _renderHeader() { return ( <View style={styles.header}> {/*定位、天气*/} <View style={styles.lbsWeather}> <TouchableWithoutFeedback> <View style={styles.lbs}> <Image source={require('../assets/icons/search.png')} style={{ width: px2pd(18),height: px2pd(18) }}></Image> <Text style={{ fontSize: px2pd(16),fontWeight: 'bold',color: '#fff',paddingHorizontal: px2pd(5) }}>{this.state.location}</Text> <Image source={require('../assets/icons/search.png')} style={{ width: px2pd(16),height: px2pd(16) }}></Image> </View> </TouchableWithoutFeedback> <View style={styles.weather}> <View style={{ marginRight: px2pd(5) }}> <Text style={{ fontSize: px2pd(11),textAlign: 'center' }}>{'20℃'}</Text> <Text style={{ fontSize: px2pd(11),color: '#fff' }}>{'晴天'}</Text> </View> <Image source={require('../assets/icons/search.png')} style={{ width: px2pd(20),height: px2pd(20) }}></Image> </View> </View> {/*搜索框*/} <View style={{ marginTop: px2pd(15),}}> <TouchableWithoutFeedback onPress={() => { }}> <View style={styles.searchBtn}> <Image source={require('../assets/icons/search.png')} style={{ width: px2pd(20),height: px2pd(20) }}></Image> <Text style={{ fontSize: px2pd(13),color: '#666',marginLeft: px2pd(15) }}>{'输入商家,商品名称'}</Text> </View> </TouchableWithoutFeedback> </View> <Animated.View style={styles.keywords}> { ['肯德基','烤肉','吉野家','粥','必胜客','一品生煎','星巴克'].map((item,i) => { return ( <TouchableWithoutFeedback key={i}> <View style={{ marginRight: px2pd(12) }}> <Text style={{ fontSize: px2pd(12),color: '#fff' }}>{item}</Text> </View> </TouchableWithoutFeedback> ) }) } </Animated.View> </View> ) } _renderTypes() { const w = width / 4,h = w * .6 + 20; let renderSwipeView = (types,n) => { return ( <View style={styles.typesView}> { types.map((item,i) => { let render = ( <View style={[{ width: w,height: h },styles.typesItem]}> <Image source={imgTypes[n + i].src} style={{ width: w * .5,height: w * .5 }} /> <Text style={{ fontSize: px2pd(12),color: "#666" }}>{item}</Text> </View> ) return ( isIOS ? ( <TouchableHighlight style={{ width: w,height: h }} key={i} onPress={() => { }}>{render}</TouchableHighlight> ) : ( <TouchableNativeFeedback style={{ width: w,height: h }} key={i} onPress={() => { }}>{render}</TouchableNativeFeedback> ) ) }) } </View> ) } return ( <Swiper height={h * 2.4} paginationStyle={{ bottom: 10 }} dotStyle={{ backgroundColor: 'rgba(0,height: 6 }}> {renderSwipeView(['美食','甜品饮品','商店超市','预定早餐','果蔬生鲜','新店特惠','准时达','高铁订餐'],0)} {renderSwipeView(['土豪推荐','鲜花蛋糕','汉堡炸鸡','日韩料理','麻辣烫','披萨意面','川湘菜','包子粥店'],8)} </Swiper> ) } render() { return ( <View style={styles.container}> <ScrollView style={styles.scrollView}> {this._renderHeader()} <View style={{ backgroundColor: "#fff",paddingBottom: px2pd(10) }}> {this._renderTypes()} </View> </ScrollView> </View> ); } } // define your styles const styles = StyleSheet.create({ container: { flex: 1,backgroundColor: '#f3f3f3',scrollView: { marginBottom: px2pd(46),header: { backgroundColor: '#0398ff',height: headH,paddingTop: px2pd(isIOS ? 30 : 10),paddingHorizontal: 16,lbsWeather: { height: inputHeight,overflow: "hidden",flexDirection: 'row',justifyContent: 'space-between',lbs: { flexDirection: 'row',alignItems: 'center',weather: { flexDirection: 'row',searchBtn: { borderRadius: inputHeight,height: inputHeight,backgroundColor: '#fff',keywords: { marginTop: px2pd(14),typesView: { paddingBottom: px2pd(10),flex: 1,backgroundColor: "#fff",flexDirection: "row",flexWrap: "wrap" },typesItem: { backgroundColor: '#fff',alignItems: 'center' },}); //make this component available to the app export default TargetView;
//---------------------px2dp.js------------------------------// import { Dimensions } from 'react-native' const deviceH = Dimensions.get('window').height const deviceW = Dimensions.get('window').width const basePx = 375 export default function px2dp(px) { return px * deviceW / basePx }附一张属性表:
3.1 基本属性
Default Type Description horizontal true bool 如果值为true时,那么滚动的内容将是横向排列的,而不是垂直于列中的。 loop true bool 如果设置为false,那么滑动到最后一张时,再次滑动将不会展示第一张图片。 index 0 number 初始进入的页面标识为0的页面。 showsButtons false bool 如果设置为true,那么就可以使控制按钮(即:左右两侧的箭头)可见。 autoplay false bool 设置为true,则页面可以自动跳转。 3.2 自定义属性
Prop Default Type Description width - number 如果你没有特殊的设置,就通过flex:1默认为全屏。 height - number 如果你没有特殊的设置,就通过flex:1默认为全屏。 style {...} style 设置页面的样式。 3.3 pagination 分页
Prop Default Type Description showsPagination true bool 默认值为true,在页面下边显示圆点,以标明当前页面位于第几个。 paginationStyle {...} style 设置页面原点的样式,自定义的样式会和默认样式进行合并。 renderPagination dot <View style={{backgroundColor:'rgba(0,.2)',width: 8,height: 8,borderRadius: 4,marginLeft: 3,marginRight: 3,marginTop: 3,marginBottom: 3,}} /> element 可以自定义不是当前圆点的样式 activeDot <View style={{backgroundColor: '#007aff',}} /> element 可以自定义当前页面圆点的样式 3.4 自动播放
Prop Default Type Description autoplay true bool
设置为true可以使页面自动滑动。 autoplayTimeout 2.5 number
设置每个页面自动滑动停留的时间 autoplayDirection true bool
圆点的方向允许默认自己控制 3.5 控制按钮
Prop Default Type Description showsButtons true bool
是否显示控制箭头按钮 buttonWrapperStyle {position: 'absolute',paddingHorizontal: 15,paddingVertical: 30,top: 70,left: 0,alignItems:'flex-start'}
定义默认箭头按钮的样式 nextButton <Text style={{fontSize:60,color:'#00a7ec',paddingTop:30,paddingBottom:30}}>‹</Text>
自定义右箭头按钮样式 prevButton <Text style={{fontSize:60,paddingBottom:30}}>›</Text>
自定义左箭头按钮样式 加油!