刚创建的React Native 微信公众号,欢迎微信扫描关注订阅号,每天定期会分享react native 技术文章,移动技术干货,精彩文章技术推送。同时可以扫描我的微信加入react-native技术交流微信群。欢迎各位大牛,React Native技术爱好者加入交流!
【node_modules -- react-navigation -- src -- views -- Header.js】的326行代码处,修改为如下:
title: { bottom: 0,left: TITLE_OFFSET,right: TITLE_OFFSET,top: 0,position: 'absolute',alignItems: 'center',}
上面方法通过修改源码的方式其实略有弊端,毕竟扩展性不好。还有另外一种方式就是,在navigationOptions中设置headerTitleStyle的alignSelf为 ' center '即可解决。
【node_modules -- react-navigation -- src -- views -- HeaderBackButton.js】的91行代码处,修改为如下即可。{Platform.OS === 'ios' && title && <Text onLayout={this._onTextLayout} style={[styles.title,{ color: tintColor }]} numberOfLines={1} > {backButtonTitle} </Text>}
componentDidMount () { /** * 将单击回调函数作为参数传递 */ this.props.navigation.setParams({ switch: () => this.switchView() }); }
/** * 切换视图 */ switchView() { alert('切换') }
static navigationOptions = ({navigation,screenProps}) => ({ headerTitle: '企业服务',headerTitleStyle: CommonStyles.headerTitleStyle,headerRight: ( <NavigatorItem icon={ Images.ic_navigator } onPress={ ()=> navigation.state.params.switch() }/> ),headerStyle: CommonStyles.headerStyle });
componentDidMount () { /** * 将单击回调函数作为参数传递 */ this.props.navigation.setParams({ switch: () => this.switchView() }); }
/** * 切换视图 */ switchView() { alert('切换') }
static navigationOptions = ({navigation,headerStyle: CommonStyles.headerStyle });
componentWillMount(){ BackHandler.addEventListener('hardwareBackPress',this._onBackAndroid ); } componentUnWillMount(){ BackHandler.addEventListener('hardwareBackPress',this._onBackAndroid); } _onBackAndroid=()=>{ let now = new Date().getTime(); if(now - lastBackPressed < 2500) { return false; } lastBackPressed = now; ToastAndroid.show('再点击一次退出应用',ToastAndroid.SHORT); return true; }
/** * 处理安卓返回键 */ const defaultStateAction = AppNavigator.router.getStateForAction; AppNavigator.router.getStateForAction = (action,state) => { if(state && action.type === NavigationActions.BACK && state.routes.length === 1) { if (lastBackPressed + 2000 < Date.now()) { ToastAndroid.show(Constant.hint_exit,ToastAndroid.SHORT); lastBackPressed = Date.now(); const routes = [...state.routes]; return { ...state,...state.routes,index: routes.length - 1,}; } } return defaultStateAction(action,state); };
import CardStackStyleInterpolator from 'react-navigation/src/views/CardStackStyleInterpolator';然后在StackNavigator的配置下添加如下代码:
transitionConfig:()=>({ screenInterpolator: CardStackStyleInterpolator.forHorizontal,})
export default function<S: *>(navigation: NavigationProp<S,NavigationAction>) { // 添加点击判断 let debounce = true; return { ...navigation,goBack: (key?: ?string): boolean => navigation.dispatch( NavigationActions.back({ key: key === undefined ? navigation.state.key : key,}),),navigate: (routeName: string,params?: NavigationParams,action?: NavigationAction,): boolean => { if (debounce) { debounce = false; navigation.dispatch( NavigationActions.navigate({ routeName,params,action,); setTimeout( () => { debounce = true; },500,); return true; } return false; },/** * For updating current route params. For example the nav bar title and * buttons are based on the route params. * This means `setParams` can be used to update nav bar for example. */ setParams: (params: NavigationParams): boolean => navigation.dispatch( NavigationActions.setParams({ params,key: navigation.state.key,}; }
if (action.type === NavigationActions.BACK) { const key = action.key; let backRouteIndex = null; if (key) { const backRoute = null; if(key.indexOf('id') >= 0) { backRoute = state.routes.find((route: *) => route.key === action.key); } else { backRoute = state.routes.find(route => route.routeName === action.key); } backRouteIndex = state.routes.indexOf(backRoute); } if (backRouteIndex == null) { return StateUtils.pop(state); } if (backRouteIndex > 0) { return { ...state,routes: state.routes.slice(0,backRouteIndex),index: backRouteIndex - 1,}; } }
import React,{ Component } from 'react'; import { AppRegistry,Platform,StyleSheet,Text,View,TouchableOpacity,NativeModules,ImageBackground,DeviceEventEmitter } from 'react-native'; export default class Tab extends Component { renderItem = (route,index) => { const { navigation,jumpToIndex,} = this.props; const focused = index === navigation.state.index; const color = focused ? this.props.activeTintColor : this.props.inactiveTintColor; let TabScene = { focused:focused,route:route,tintColor:color }; if(index==1){ return (<View style={[styles.tabItem,{backgroundColor:'transparent'}]}> </View> ); } return ( <TouchableOpacity key={route.key} style={styles.tabItem} onPress={() => jumpToIndex(index)} > <View style={styles.tabItem}> {this.props.renderIcon(TabScene)} <Text style={{ ...styles.tabText,marginTop:SCALE(10),color }}>{this.props.getLabel(TabScene)}</Text> </View> </TouchableOpacity> ); }; render(){ const {navigation,jumpToIndex} = this.props; const {routes,} = navigation.state; const focused = 1 === navigation.state.index; const color = focused ? this.props.activeTintColor : this.props.inactiveTintColor; let TabScene = { focused:focused,route:routes[1],tintColor:color }; return ( <View style={{width:WIDTH}}> <View style={styles.tab}> {routes && routes.map((route,index) => this.renderItem(route,index))} </View> <TouchableOpacity key={"centerView"} style={[styles.tabItem,{position:'absolute',bottom:0,left:(WIDTH-SCALE(100))/2,right:WIDTH-SCALE(100),height:SCALE(120)}]} onPress={() => jumpToIndex(1)} > <View style={styles.tabItem}> {this.props.renderIcon(TabScene)} <Text style={{ ...styles.tabText,color }}>{this.props.getLabel(TabScene)}</Text> </View> </TouchableOpacity> </View> ); } } const styles = { tab:{ width:WIDTH,backgroundColor:'transparent',flexDirection:'row',justifyContent:'space-around',alignItems:'flex-end' },tabItem:{ height:SCALE(80),width:SCALE(100),alignItems:'center',justifyContent:'center' },tabText:{ marginTop:SCALE(13),fontSize:FONT(10),color:Color.C7b7b7b },tabTextChoose:{ color:Color.f3474b },tabImage:{ width:SCALE(42),height:SCALE(42),},}
componentDidMount () { /** * 将单击回调函数作为参数传递 */ this.props.navigation.setParams({ switch: () => this.switchView() }); }
/** * 切换视图 */ switchView() { alert('切换') }
static navigationOptions = ({navigation,headerStyle: CommonStyles.headerStyle });
import React,{Component} from 'react'; export default class Base extends Component { static screen; constructor(props) { super(props); Base.screen = this; } nav() { return this.props.navigation; } }
react-navigation 库中提供了实现自定义Router切换的方式,需要用到的组件如下:
1. TabRouter用来自定义路由栈
1. 创建StackNavigator
2. 创建TabRouter
3. 定义导航样式
4. 定义整体路由切换组件
5. 创建Navigator
// 界面组件 import FirstPage from './scene/FirstPage'; import SecondPage from './scene/SecondPage'; import ThirdPage from './scene/ThirdPage'; import DetailPage from './scene/DetailPage';
// 引入 react-navigation 核心组件 import { TabRouter,StackNavigator,addNavigationHelpers,createNavigationContainer,} from 'react-navigation';
// 创建 3个 StackNavigator const FirstScreen = StackNavigator( { First: { screen: FirstPage },Detail: { screen: DetailPage } } ); const SecondScreen = StackNavigator( { Second: { screen: SecondPage } } ); const ThirdScreen = StackNavigator( { Third: { screen: ThirdPage } } );
// 定义 TabRouter const FirstScene = ({ navigation }) => ( <FirstScreen /> ); const SecondScene = ({ navigation }) => ( <SecondScreen /> ); const ThirdScene = ({ navigation }) => ( <ThirdScreen /> ); const CustomTabRouter = TabRouter( { First: { screen: FirstScene,path: 'firstScene' },Second: { screen: SecondScene,path: 'secondScene' },Third: { screen: ThirdScene,path: 'thirdScene' },{ initialRouteName: 'First' } );
// 定义TabBar const CustomTabBar = ({ navigation,activeRouteName }) => { const { routes } = navigation.state; return ( <View style={ styles.tabContainer }> <ScrollView> { routes.map((route,index)=>( <TouchableOpacity key={ index } onPress={() => navigation.navigate(route.routeName)}> <Text style={[ styles.tabbarText,activeRouteName === route.routeName ? styles.active : styles.inactive ]}> { route.routeName } </Text> </TouchableOpacity> )) } </ScrollView> </View> ) }
// 定义TabView const CustomTabView = ({ router,navigation }) => { const { routes,index } = navigation.state; const activeRouteName = routes[index].routeName; const ActiveScreen = router.getComponentForRouteName(activeRouteName); return( <View style={ styles.container }> <CustomTabBar navigation={ navigation } activeRouteName={ activeRouteName } /> <ActiveScreen navigation={ addNavigationHelpers( { dispath: navigation.dispatch,state: routes[index] } ) } /> </View> ) }
// 创建Navigator const CustomTabs = createNavigationContainer( createNavigator(CustomTabRouter)(CustomTabView) ) export default CustomTabs;
// Style 样式 const styles = StyleSheet.create({ tabContainer: { width: 86,zIndex: 888,flexDirection:'column',justifyContent:'center',backgroundColor: '#e7e7e7',borderRightWidth:1,borderColor: '#e0e0e0' },tabbarText: { fontSize: 18,fontWeight: 'bold',marginTop: 20,marginBottom: 20,color: 'black' },active: { color: 'red',inactive: { color: 'black',container: { flexDirection:'row',flex: 1,} });通过上述代码,我们就可以创建出类似于饿了么App中商品分类的模块切换效果。
transitionConfig:()=>({ screenInterpolator: (props)=> { const { scene } = props if (scene.route.routeName === 'VIPDetailPage') { return CardStackStyleInterpolator.forFade } else { return CardStackStyleInterpolator.forHorizontal(props) } } })