import random
fixed_seed = 1 #generate the same sequence every time with a fixed seed
population = 1000
sample_count = 5 #demonstration number
num_retries = 3 #just enough to show the repeatable behavIoUr
for trynum in xrange(num_retries):
#generate the fresh/ordered sequence (0->population)...
seq = range(population)
#seed the random number generator the same way every time...
#shuffle the sequence...
#display results for this try...
sample_sequence = [str(x) for x in seq[:sample_count]]
print "try %s: %s..." % (trynum + 1,",".join(sample_sequence))
#Sample output...
#try 1: 995,721,62,326,541...
#try 2: 995,541...
#try 3: 995,541...
现在 – 如果手头的问题恰好让您将人口规模设置为2的幂
(减1),线性反馈移位寄存器可用于获得可预测的随机序列. LFSR很整洁,在wikipedia article上很好地解释了它们.
下面的python代码演示了这一点(我做了一堆唯一性测试,以确保它像宣传的那样工作).有关代码如何工作的说明,请再次参见wikipedia article(Galois configuration).
TAP_MASKS = { #only one needed,but I included 3 to make the code more useful
10: 0x00000240,#taps at 10,7
16: 0x0000B400,#taps at 16,14,13,11
32: 0xE0000200,#taps at 32,31,30,10
def MaxLengthLFSR(seed,register_length):
"Gets next value from seed in max-length LFSR using Galois configuration."
lsb = seed & 1
next_val = seed >> 1
if lsb == 1:
mask = TAP_MASKS[register_length]
next_val ^= mask
return next_val
reglen = 16 #number of bits in register
population = (2**reglen) - 1 #not used,just showing it
fixed_seed = 1 #seed == startval in this case (could randomize in population)
sample_count = 5 #demonstration number
num_retries = 3 #just enough to show the repeatable behavIoUr
for trynum in xrange(num_retries):
next_val = fixed_seed
seq = [fixed_seed,]
for x in xrange(sample_count - 1):
next_val = MaxLengthLFSR(next_val,reglen)
seq = [str(x) for x in seq]
print "try %s: %s..." % (trynum + 1,".join(seq))
#Sample output...
#try 1: 1,46080,23040,11520,5760...
#try 2: 1,5760...
#try 3: 1,5760...
缺点是a)它被限制为大小(2 ** N-1)的“混洗”序列,并且b)你无法确定随机序列中特定位置的值是在任意位置.您需要知道特定点的值并从那里走序列.
后者(b)大部分都可以,因为大多数情况下你会按顺序生成序列,所以你只需要记住最后一个值. 2限制(a)的力量是一种交易杀手,但……取决于应用程序.
注意:如果你想要一个良好的起始LFSR抽头位置来获得最大长度的LFSR(产生整个寄存器的数量而不重复一次),this link is quite good并且每个寄存器大小具有大量抽头位置(最多32位,无论如何).
另请注意,我已经看到许多与我的问题和改组/ LFSR密切相关的问题,但它们都没有完全与我所追求的相关(任意大小的线性序列的可预测的随机播放).或者至少就我能够理解它们而言,无论如何.
我最近一直在研究Linear Congruential Generators,看起来很有希望,但我还没能让它们继续工作.我不会再问这个问题,而是如果我弄明白并且他们工作的话就发布答案.