public class ProcessPoetDeaths{ public abstract void sendDeath(String name,int age); } static void mapEarlyDeaths(ProcessPoetDeaths mapper){ Connection con = null; CallableStatement toesUp = null; try { con = ConnectionPool.getConnection(); con.setAutoCommit(false); CallableStatement toesUp = connection.prepareCall("{ ? = call list_early_deaths () }"); toesUp.registerOutParameter(1,Types.OTHER); toesUp.execute(); ResultSet rs = (ResultSet) toesUp.getObject(1); while ( { String name = rs.getString(1); int age = rs.getInt(2); mapper.sendDeath(name,age); } rs.close(); } catch (sqlException e) { // We should protect these calls. toesUp.close(); con.close(); } }
PrintWriter: static void sendEarlyDeaths(PrintWriter out){ Connection con = null; CallableStatement toesUp = null; try { con = ConnectionPool.getConnection(); // Postgresql needs a transaction to do this... con. setAutoCommit(false); // Setup the call. CallableStatement toesUp = connection.prepareCall("{ ? = call list_early_deaths () }"); toesUp.registerOutParameter(1,Types.OTHER); toesUp.execute(); ResultSet rs = (ResultSet) toesUp.getObject(1); while ( { String name = rs.getString(1); int age = rs.getInt(2); out.println(name + " was " + age + " years old."); } rs.close(); } catch (sqlException e) { // We should protect these calls. toesUp.close(); con.close(); } }
1 快速创建应用,使用和应用一起改变和改善的数据库模式。
2 数据库模式可以在以后改变而不影响Java对象,当我们完成应用后,可以重新设计更好的模式。
3 存储过程通过更好的sql嵌入使得复杂的sql更容易理解。
4 编写存储过程比在Java中编写嵌入的sql拥有更好的工具--大部分编辑器都提供语法高亮!
5 存储过程可以在任何sql命令行中测试,这使得调试更加容易。