



pg_column_size(any) int Number of bytes used to store a particular value (possibly compressed)
pg_database_size(oid) bigint Disk space used by the database with the specified OID
pg_database_size(name) bigint Disk space used by the database with the specified name
pg_indexes_size(regclass) bigint Total disk space used by indexes attached to the specified table
pg_relation_size(@H_403_67@relation regclass,@H_403_67@fork text) bigint Disk space used by the specified fork ('main', 'fsm' or 'vm') of the specified table or index
pg_relation_size(@H_403_67@relation regclass) bigint Shorthand for pg_relation_size(...,'main')
pg_size_pretty(bigint) text Converts a size in bytes expressed as a 64-bit integer into a human-readable format with size units
pg_size_pretty(numeric) text Converts a size in bytes expressed as a numeric value into a human-readable format with size units
pg_table_size(regclass) bigint Disk space used by the specified table,excluding indexes (but including TOAST,free space map,and visibility map)
pg_tablespace_size(oid) bigint Disk space used by the tablespace with the specified OID
pg_tablespace_size(name) bigint Disk space used by the tablespace with the specified name
pg_total_relation_size(regclass) bigint Total disk space used by the specified table,including all indexes and TOAST data
以上的函数直接用就可以,比较简单,着重介绍下函数 pg_relation_size。



并且其在oid=12029的database下。使用sql:select pg_relation_size('emp'::regclass,'vm') 结果为8kb,查看文件夹下的此表的vm文件也是8kb,emp表总共是40kb,正好是


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