几个月前,我从Stack Overflow的答案学习了如何使用以下语法在MysqL中同时执行多个更新:
INSERT INTO table (id,field,field2) VALUES (1,A,X),(2,B,Y),(3,C,Z) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE field=VALUES(Col1),field2=VALUES(Col2);
ON CONFLICT子句。与以下语法(类似于MysqL)
原文链接:https://www.f2er.com/postgresql/194083.htmlINSERT INTO the_table (id,column_1,column_2) VALUES (1,'A','X'),'B','Y'),'C','Z') ON CONFLICT (id) DO UPDATE SET column_1 = excluded.column_1,column_2 = excluded.column_2;
搜索postgresql的电子邮件组归档“upsert”导致找到an example of doing what you possibly want to do,in the manual:
Example 38-2. Exceptions with UPDATE/INSERT
This example uses exception handling to perform either UPDATE or INSERT,as appropriate:
CREATE TABLE db (a INT PRIMARY KEY,b TEXT); CREATE FUNCTION merge_db(key INT,data TEXT) RETURNS VOID AS $$ BEGIN LOOP -- first try to update the key -- note that "a" must be unique UPDATE db SET b = data WHERE a = key; IF found THEN RETURN; END IF; -- not there,so try to insert the key -- if someone else inserts the same key concurrently,-- we could get a unique-key failure BEGIN INSERT INTO db(a,b) VALUES (key,data); RETURN; EXCEPTION WHEN unique_violation THEN -- do nothing,and loop to try the UPDATE again END; END LOOP; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; SELECT merge_db(1,'david'); SELECT merge_db(1,'dennis');
可能有一个例子,如何做到这一点批量,使用CTE在9.1及以上,在hackers mailing list:
WITH foos AS (SELECT (UNNEST(%foo[])).*) updated as (UPDATE foo SET foo.a = foos.a ... RETURNING foo.id) INSERT INTO foo SELECT foos.* FROM foos LEFT JOIN updated USING(id) WHERE updated.id IS NULL;
更清晰的例子见a_horse_with_no_name’s answer。