Example of Function CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION updateuser_login(userloginidp integer,usercategoryidf integer,usertypeidf integer,usertypereferenceidf integer,loginname text,loginpassword text,menutypeidf integer,username text,dashboardconfig text,careprovideridf integer,isactive boolean) RETURNS void AS $BODY$BEGIN UPDATE tbuserlogin SET usercategoryidf="@usercategoryidf",usetypeidf="@usertypeidf",usertypereferenceidf="@usertypereferenceidf",loginname="@loginname",loginpassword="@loginpassword",menutypeidf="@menutypeidf",username="@username",dashboardconfig="@dashboardconfig",careprovideridf="@careprovideridf",isactive="@isactive" WHERE userloginidp = "@userloginidp"; END$BODY$ LANGUAGE plpgsql VOLATILE COST 100; ALTER FUNCTION updateuser_login(integer,integer,text,boolean) OWNER TO postgres;
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION update_user( nickname LABEL,full_name TEXT DEFAULT NULL,email EMAIL DEFAULT NULL,uri URI DEFAULT NULL,twitter CITEXT DEFAULT NULL ) RETURNS BOOLEAN LANGUAGE plpgsql SECURITY DEFINER AS $$ /* % SELECT update_user( nickname := 'theory',full_name := 'David E. Wheeler',email := 'justatheory@pgxn.org',uri := 'http://www.justatheory.com/',twitter :- 'theory' ); update_user ───────────── t Update the specified user. The user must be active. The nickname cannot be changed. The password can only be changed via `change_password()` or `reset_password()`. Pass other attributes as: full_name : The full name of the user. email : The email address of the user. Must be a valid email address as verified by [Email::Valid](http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?Email::Valid). uri : Optional URI for the user. Should be a valid URI as verified by [Data::Validate::URI](http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?Data::Validate::URI). twitter : Optional Twitter username. A leading "@" wil be removed. Returns true if the user was updated,and false if not. */ BEGIN UPDATE users SET full_name = COALESCE(update_user.full_name,users.full_name),email = COALESCE(update_user.email,users.email),uri = COALESCE(update_user.uri,users.uri),twitter = COALESCE(trim(leading '@' FROM update_user.twitter),users.twitter),updated_at = NOW() WHERE users.nickname = update_user.nickname AND users.status = 'active'; RETURN FOUND; END; $$;