$number 表示信用卡号码的一个字符串
$expiry 信用卡有效日期,采用07/12或0712这样的格式
* 一个用于验证所有类型的信用卡的PHP类
* @param
* @arrange 512-笔记网: 512Pic.com
<?PHP // Plug-in 32: Validate Credit Card
// This is an executable example with additional code supplied
// To obtain just the plug-ins please click on the Download link
$card = "4567 1234 5678 9101";
$exp = "06/11";
echo "Validating: $card : $exp<br>";
$result = PIPHP_ValidateCC($card,$exp);
if ($result != FALSE) echo "Card Validated";
else echo "Card did not validate";
function PIPHP_ValidateCC($number,$expiry)
// Plug-in 32: Validate Credit Card
// This plug-in accepts a credit card number and
// an expiry date and returns TRUE or FALSE,// depending on whether the details pass date
// and checksum validation. The arguments required
// are:
// $number: Credit Card Number
// $expiry: Expiry date in the form:
// 07/12 or 0712 (for July,2012)
$number = preg_replace('/[^\d]/','',$number);
$expiry = preg_replace('/[^\d]/',$expiry);
$left = substr($number,4);
$cclen = strlen($number);
$chksum = 0;
// Diners Club
if (($left >= 3000) && ($left <= 3059) ||
($left >= 3600) && ($left <= 3699) ||
($left >= 3800) && ($left <= 3889))
if ($cclen != 14) return FALSE;
// JCB
if (($left >= 3088) && ($left <= 3094) ||
($left >= 3096) && ($left <= 3102) ||
($left >= 3112) && ($left <= 3120) ||
($left >= 3158) && ($left <= 3159) ||
($left >= 3337) && ($left <= 3349) ||
($left >= 3528) && ($left <= 3589))
if ($cclen != 16) return FALSE;
// American Express
elseif (($left >= 3400) && ($left <= 3499) ||
($left >= 3700) && ($left <= 3799))
if ($cclen != 15) return FALSE;
// Carte Blanche
elseif (($left >= 3890) && ($left <= 3899))
if ($cclen != 14) return FALSE;
// Visa
elseif (($left >= 4000) && ($left <= 4999))
if ($cclen != 13 && $cclen != 16) return FALSE;
// MasterCard
elseif (($left >= 5100) && ($left <= 5599))
if ($cclen != 16) return FALSE;
// Australian BankCard
elseif ($left == 5610)
if ($cclen != 16) return FALSE;
// Discover
elseif ($left == 6011)
if ($cclen != 16) return FALSE;
// Unknown
else return FALSE;
for ($j = 1 - ($cclen % 2); $j < $cclen; $j += 2)
$chksum += substr($number,$j,1);
for ($j = $cclen % 2; $j < $cclen; $j += 2)
$d = substr($number,1) * 2;
$chksum += $d < 10 ? $d : $d - 9;
if ($chksum % 10 != 0) return FALSE;
if (mktime(0,substr($expiry,2),date("t"),2,2)) < time()) return FALSE;
return TRUE;
/*** 来自编程之家 jb51.cc(jb51.cc) ***/