


通过openssl实现的签名、验签、非对称加解密,需要配合x.509证书(如crt和pem)文件使用。 由于各种原因,该类并不十分完善,欢迎各种测试!

PHP;"> _getPublicKey($public_key_file); } if ($private_key_file){ $this->_getPrivateKey($private_key_file); } } /** * 生成签名 * * @param string 签名材料 * @param string 签名编码(base64/hex/bin) * @return 签名值 */ public function sign($data,$code = 'base64'){ $ret = false; if (openssl_sign($data,$ret,$this->priKey)){ $ret = $this->_encode($ret,$code); } return $ret; } /** * 验证签名 * * @param string 签名材料 * @param string 签名值 * @param string 签名编码(base64/hex/bin) * @return bool */ public function verify($data,$sign,$code = 'base64'){ $ret = false; $sign = $this->_decode($sign,$code); if ($sign !== false) { switch (openssl_verify($data,$this->pubKey)){ case 1: $ret = true; break; case 0: case -1: default: $ret = false; } } return $ret; } /** * 加密 * * @param string 明文 * @param string 密文编码(base64/hex/bin) * @param int 填充方式(貌似PHP有bug,所以目前仅支持OPENSSL_PKCS1_PADDING) * @return string 密文 */ public function encrypt($data,$code = 'base64',$padding = OPENSSL_PKCS1_PADDING){ $ret = false; if (!$this->_checkPadding($padding,'en')) $this->_error('padding error'); if (openssl_public_encrypt($data,$result,$this->pubKey,$padding)){ $ret = $this->_encode($result,$code); } return $ret; } /** * 解密 * * @param string 密文 * @param string 密文编码(base64/hex/bin) * @param int 填充方式(OPENSSL_PKCS1_PADDING / OPENSSL_NO_PADDING) * @param bool 是否翻转明文(When passing Microsoft CryptoAPI-generated RSA cyphertext,revert the bytes in the block) * @return string 明文 */ public function decrypt($data,$padding = OPENSSL_PKCS1_PADDING,$rev = false){ $ret = false; $data = $this->_decode($data,$code); if (!$this->_checkPadding($padding,'de')) $this->_error('padding error'); if ($data !== false){ if (openssl_private_decrypt($data,$this->priKey,$padding)){ $ret = $rev ? rtrim(strrev($result),"\0") : ''.$result; } } return $ret; } // 私有方法 /** * 检测填充类型 * 加密只支持PKCS1_PADDING * 解密支持PKCS1_PADDING和NO_PADDING * * @param int 填充模式 * @param string 加密en/解密de * @return bool */ private function _checkPadding($padding,$type){ if ($type == 'en'){ switch ($padding){ case OPENSSL_PKCS1_PADDING: $ret = true; break; default: $ret = false; } } else { switch ($padding){ case OPENSSL_PKCS1_PADDING: case OPENSSL_NO_PADDING: $ret = true; break; default: $ret = false; } } return $ret; } private function _encode($data,$code){ switch (strtolower($code)){ case 'base64': $data = base64_encode(''.$data); break; case 'hex': $data = bin2hex($data); break; case 'bin': default: } return $data; } private function _decode($data,$code){ switch (strtolower($code)){ case 'base64': $data = base64_decode($data); break; case 'hex': $data = $this->_hex2bin($data); break; case 'bin': default: } return $data; } private function _getPublicKey($file){ $key_content = $this->_readFile($file); if ($key_content){ $this->pubKey = openssl_get_publickey($key_content); } } private function _getPrivateKey($file){ $key_content = $this->_readFile($file); if ($key_content){ $this->priKey = openssl_get_privatekey($key_content); } } private function _readFile($file){ $ret = false; if (!file_exists($file)){ $this->_error("The file {$file} is not exists"); } else { $ret = file_get_contents($file); } return $ret; } private function _hex2bin($hex = false){ $ret = $hex !== false && preg_match('/^[0-9a-fA-F]+$/i',$hex) ? pack("H*",$hex) : false; return $ret; } }


PHP;"> PHP header('Content-Type:text/html;Charset=utf-8;'); include "rsa.PHP"; echo '
$a = isset($_GET['a']) ? $_GET['a'] : '测试123'; 
$pubfile = 'E:\ssl\cert\pwd.crt'; 
$prifile = 'E:\ssl\cert\pwd.pem'; 
$m = new RSA($pubfile,$prifile); 
$x = $m->sign($a); 
$y = $m->verify($a,$x); 
$x = $m->encrypt($a); 
$y = $m->decrypt($x); 


