


PHP;"> PHP /** * 完整调用示例: * 1、combine.PHP?t=j&b=public&fs=jslib.jquery,function * * 该例子调用的是网站根目录下的public/jslib/jquery.js和public/function.js * * 2、combine.PHP?t=j&fs=jslib.jquery,function * * 该例子调用的是网站根目录下的jslib/jquery.js和function.js * * 3、combine.PHP?t=c&b=public.css&fs=common,index * * 该例子调用的是网站根目录下的public/css/common.css和public/css/index.css * * 4、combine.PHP?t=c&fs=css.common * 该例子调用的是网站根目录下的css/common.css * * 注:多个文件名之间用,分隔;只有一个文件名最后不要有,* 用,分隔的多个文件会被压缩进一个文件,一次性传给浏览器 **/ $is_bad_request=false; $cache = true; $doc_root_uri=$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/'; $cachedir = $doc_root_uri . 'public/cache'; //文件类型,j为js,c为css $type=isset($_GET['t'])?($_GET['t']=='j'||$_GET['t']=='c'?$_GET['t']:''):''; //存放js和css文件的基目录,例如:?b=public.js 代表的是/public/js文件夹,出发点是网站根目录 //基目录参数不是必须的,如果有基目录那么这个基目录就会附加在文件名之前 $base =isset($_GET['b'])?($doc_root_uri.str_replace('.','/',$_GET['b'])):$doc_root_uri; //文件名列表,文件名不带后缀名.比如基目录是 //文件名的格式是 :基目录(如果有)+文件包名+文件名 //例如:类型是j,// 文件名public.js.jquery // 如果有基路径且为public, // 那么转换后的文件名就是/public/public/js/jquery.js // 如果没有基路径 // 那么转换后的文件名就是/public/js/jquery.js //多个文件名之间用,分隔 $fs=isset($_GET['fs'])?str_replace('.',$_GET['fs']):''; $fs=str_replace(',','.'.($type=='j'?'js,':'css,'),$fs); $fs=$fs.($type=='j'?'.js':'.css'); if($type==''||$fs==''){$is_bad_request=true;} //die($base); if($is_bad_request){header ("HTTP/1.0 503 Not Implemented");} $file_type=$type=='j'?'javascript':'css'; $elements = explode(',preg_replace('/([^?]*).*/','\1',$fs)); // Determine last modification date of the files $lastmodified = 0; while (list(,$element) = each($elements)) { $path =$base . '/' . $element; if (($type == 'j' && substr($path,-3) != '.js') || ($type == 'c' && substr($path,-4) != '.css')) { header ("HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden"); exit; } if (substr($path,strlen($base)) != $base || !file_exists($path)) { header ("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found"); exit; } $lastmodified = max($lastmodified,filemtime($path)); } // Send Etag hash $hash = $lastmodified . '-' . md5($fs); header ("Etag: \"" . $hash . "\""); if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH']) && stripslashes($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH']) == '"' . $hash . '"') { // Return visit and no modifications,so do not send anything header ("HTTP/1.0 304 Not Modified"); header ("Content-Type: text/" . $file_type); header ('Content-Length: 0'); } else { // First time visit or files were modified if ($cache) { // Determine supported compression method $gzip = strstr($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING'],'gzip'); $deflate = strstr($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING'],'deflate'); // Determine used compression method $encoding = $gzip ? 'gzip' : ($deflate ? 'deflate' : 'none'); // Check for buggy versions of Internet Explorer if (!strstr($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'],'Opera') && preg_match('/^Mozilla\/4\.0 \(compatible; MSIE ([0-9]\.[0-9])/i',$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'],$matches)) { $version = floatval($matches[1]); if ($version < 6) $encoding = 'none'; if ($version == 6 && !strstr($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'],'EV1')) $encoding = 'none'; } // Try the cache first to see if the combined files were already generated $cachefile = 'cache-' . $hash . '.' . $file_type . ($encoding != 'none' ? '.' . $encoding : ''); if (file_exists($cachedir . '/' . $cachefile)) { if ($fp = fopen($cachedir . '/' . $cachefile,'rb')) { if ($encoding != 'none') { header ("Content-Encoding: " . $encoding); } header ("Content-Type: text/" . $file_type); header ("Content-Length: " . filesize($cachedir . '/' . $cachefile)); fpassthru($fp); fclose($fp); exit; } } } // Get contents of the files $contents = ''; reset($elements); while (list(,$element) = each($elements)) { $path = $base . '/' . $element; $contents .= "\n\n" . file_get_contents($path); } // Send Content-Type header ("Content-Type: text/" . $file_type); if (isset($encoding) && $encoding != 'none') { // Send compressed contents $contents = gzencode($contents,9,$gzip ? FORCE_GZIP : FORCE_DEFLATE); header ("Content-Encoding: " . $encoding); header ('Content-Length: ' . strlen($contents)); echo $contents; } else { // Send regular contents header ('Content-Length: ' . strlen($contents)); echo $contents; } // Store cache if ($cache) { if ($fp = fopen($cachedir . '/' . $cachefile,'wb')) { fwrite($fp,$contents); fclose($fp); } } }


