<?PHP namespace MedAppBundle\Event; use JMS\DiExtraBundle\Annotation\InjectParams; use JMS\DiExtraBundle\Annotation\Service; use JMS\DiExtraBundle\Annotation\Tag; use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface; use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerInterface; use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\KernelEvents; use Symfony\Component\Console\ConsoleEvents; use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface; use JMS\DiExtraBundle\Annotation\Inject; /** * Class MedicListener * @package MedAppBundle\EventListener * @Service("medapp_test.listener") * @Tag(name="kernel.event_subscriber") */ class TestListener implements EventSubscriberInterface { private $container; private $logger; /** * Constructor. * * @param ContainerInterface $container A ContainerInterface instance * @param LoggerInterface $logger A LoggerInterface instance * @InjectParams({ * "container" = @Inject("service_container"),* "logger" = @Inject("logger") * }) */ public function __construct(ContainerInterface $container,LoggerInterface $logger = null) { $this->container = $container; $this->logger = $logger; } public function onTerminate() { $this->logger->notice('fired'); } public static function getSubscribedEvents() { $listeners = array(KernelEvents::TERMINATE => 'onTerminate'); if (class_exists('Symfony\Component\Console\ConsoleEvents')) { $listeners[ConsoleEvents::TERMINATE] = 'onTerminate'; } return $listeners; } }
您还可以将自定义数据存储在请求的属性包中.看到这个链接:Symfony and HTTP Fundamentals
The Request class also has a public attributes property,which holds special data related to how the application works internally. For the Symfony Framework,the attributes holds the values returned by the matched route,like _controller,id (if you have an {id} wildcard),and even the name of the matched route (_route). The attributes property exists entirely to be a place where you can prepare and store context-specific information about the request.
// ... class TestListener implements EventSubscriberInterface { // ... public function onTerminate(PostResponseEvent $event) { $request = $event->getRequest(); if ($request->attributes->get('_route') == 'some_route_name') { // do stuff } } // ... }
Internally,the HttpKernel makes use of the fastcgi_finish_request PHP function. This means that at the moment,only the PHP FPM server API is able to send a response to the client while the server’s PHP process still performs some tasks. With all other server APIs,listeners to kernel.terminate are still executed,but the response is not sent to the client until they are all completed.
要使用here中的解决方案,您可以直接编辑web / app.PHP文件以将其添加到那里(但这是某种“黑客核心”imo,即使它比以下更容易使用).或者你可以这样做: