@H_403_1@在PHP中,信息将存储为成分[“$id”] = true或false,其中$id表示成分
//code that creates array this bit is still theory and will be manually emulated in the db for the time being $id=1; while (isset ($_POST["ingredient part of form".$ID])){ if ($_POST["ingredient".$id]==checked){ $p["ingredient"][$id]=true; } else{ $p["ingredient"][$id]=false } $id++; } //the code that gets the values back for the ingredient name we will use a separate array ingredient_n[$id] echo p[$prod_id]["item"].': ' $id=1 while (isset ($ingredient[$id])){ if ($p[$prod_id]["ingredient"][$id]==true) if ($id!=1){ echo ','; } echo $ingredient_n[$id]; } } echo '.';@H_403_1@这应该产生类似的东西 @H_403_1@‘普通面包:小麦面粉,水,盐,酵母. @H_403_1@我查看了ENUM和SET,但这会增加新的成分
原文链接:https://www.f2er.com/php/135643.html$array["a"] = "Hello"; $array["b"] = "World"; $array["c"] = "!"; $str = serialize($array); // The contents of $str // a:3:{s:1:"a";s:5:"Hello";s:1:"b";s:5:"World";s:1:"c";s:1:"!";}@H_403_1@反向使用反序列化
$unserializedString = unserialize($str);@H_403_1@您可以将它用于数组和对象. @H_403_1@> http://php.net/manual/en/function.serialize.php