PHP中打包Web应用程序以便于部署的好方法是什么?目前,我正在使用make来生成一个gzipped tar文件.在Java中,大多数人使用Maven并构建WAR.我想知道PHP世界中是否有类似的标准做法.
The phar extension provides a way to put entire PHP applications into a single file called a “phar” (PHP Archive) for easy distribution and installation. In addition to providing this service,the phar extension also provides a file-format abstraction method for creating and manipulating tar and zip files through the PharData class,much as PDO provides a unified interface for accessing different databases. Unlike PDO,which cannot convert between different databases,Phar also can convert between tar,zip and phar file formats with a single line of code. see Phar::convertToExecutable() for one example.