我使用symfony 2.3和PHP doctrine 2.
>实体订单 – 典型的客户订单
> entity BadOrderEntry(fields:id,order – 与Order的单向一对一关系,createdAt)
> manager BadOrderEntryManager用于保存/编辑/删除实体BadOrderEntry的方法
> AND MAIN CLASS BadOrderList – 错误订单列表,此类代码:
private $factory; private $repository; private $manager; public function __construct( BadOrderEntryFactory $f,BadOrderEntryRepository $r,BadOrderEntryManager $m ) { $this->factory = $f; $this->repository = $r; $this->manager = $m; } public function has(Order $order) { return $this->repository->existsByOrder($order); } public function add(Order $order) { if (! $this->has($order)) { $entry = $this->factory->create($order); $this->manager->save($entry); } } public function remove(Order $order) { $entry = $this->repository->findOneByOrder($order); if ($entry !== null) { $this->manager->delete($entry); } }
<?PHP $em->getConnection()->beginTransaction(); try { //... do some work $em->getConnection()->commit(); } catch (Exception $e) { $em->getConnection()->rollback(); throw $e; }
我花了很多时间并根据数据库(相应的PHP Doctrine 2)删除,并再次创建它?
问题实际上不是“如何隐藏类BadOrderList中对事务机制的依赖?”,而是如何将模型与持久层分离? (在特定情况下的Doctrine2).
原文链接:https://www.f2er.com/php/134193.html问题实际上不是“如何隐藏类BadOrderList中对事务机制的依赖?”,而是如何将模型与持久层分离? (在特定情况下的Doctrine2).
class BadOrderEntry // Bad - is too bad word to describe an order here. Why is it bad? Is it Declined? Cancelled? { private $order; // some code } class BadOrderEntryFactory { // If there is not to much processing to build BadOrderEntry better use factory method like BadOrderEntry::fromOrder($order); } class BadOrderEntryRepository { // here is some read model } class BadOrderEntryManager // ITS a part of our model and shouldn't be coupled to ORM { public function save(BadEntry $be) { // some model events,model actions $this->doSave($be); // here we should hide our storage manipulation } protected function doSave($be) // it can be abstract,but may contain some basic storage actions { } // similar code for delete/remove and other model code } class ORMBadOrderEntryManager extends BadOrderEntryManager // IT'S NOT the part of your model. There is no business logic. There is only persistent logic and transaction manipulation { protected $entityManager; // some constructor to inject doctrine entitymanager protected doSave($be) { $em = $this->entityManager; $em->getConnection()->beginTransaction(); // suspend auto-commit try { $em->persist($be); $em->flush(); $em->getConnection()->commit(); } catch (Exception $e) { $em->getConnection()->rollback(); throw $e; } } } // You can also implement ODMBadOrderEntryManager,MemcacheBadOrderEntryManager etc.
BadEntryBundle | + Entity | | | --- BadOrderEntryEntity.PHP | + ORM | | | --- ORMBadOrderEntryManager.PHP