1. Requirements
2. Solution
2.1 The illustration of the process
By using the process in the following diagram,we can run a script in Server2 to export a blob field to local directory in Server1.
For transferring files,there is aDBMS_FILE_TRANSFER package containing put_file procedure "tocreate a copy of the file in the remote file system". However,since it requires "The size of the copied file must be a multiple of 512 bytes.",which is not realistic in reality. In other words,we may get an error showing the violation of the rule if we utilise the package/procedure to transfer a file with an arbitrarysize.
2.2 Steps
2.2.1 In Server1
Create a table in Server1.
id number,
photoblob) -
Insert some test data in the table.
Create a target directory in Server1,say '/tmp/photo_export'
2.2.2 In Server2
Create adblinkin Server2 to Server1.
Create a material view in Server2.
The reason to create such a material view is because wecannot use LOB locators selected from remote tables (Error ORA-22992 if we select from the remote table). -
Create a directory in Server2,say 'LOCAL_PHOTO_EXPORT' at '/tmp/photo_export'
- Create a shell script in Server2 for sftppurpose. Please see the details in sftp.sh.
Create a java source in Server2 to executeoperatingsystem command.
Create a package containing procedures to implement the requirement.
Among the procedures,host_command is defined as the following:
which is to use the java source to execute anoperating system command.
Regarding the package body,please see details in file_transfer-body.sql.
In addition,among the procedures,REMOTE_BLOB_EXPOERT works for exporting the blob to a file in Server,SFTP works for transferring files from Server2 to Server1,and EXPORT_SFTP is the major entry to carry out the whole functionality. -
Finally,run the procedure EXPORT_SFTP to carry out the whole functionality.
1. sftp.sh
#!/bin/expect set timeout -1 puts $argc if { $argc<6 } { puts "Usage $argv0 host user passwd localdir filename remotedir" exit 1 } set host [lindex $argv 0] set user [lindex $argv 1] set passwd [lindex $argv 2] set localdir [lindex $argv 3] set filename [lindex $argv 4] set remotedir [lindex $argv 5] puts $host puts $user puts $passwd puts $localdir puts $filename puts $remotedir spawn /usr/bin/sftp -oStrictHostkeyChecking=no -oCheckHostIP=no $user@$host expect *assword: send "$passwd\r" expect sftp> send "cd $remotedir\r" expect sftp> send "lcd $localdir\r" expect sftp> send "put $filename\r" expect sftp> send "exit\r" expect eof
</pre><pre name="code" class="sql">create or replace PACKAGE BODY FILE_TRANSFER AS /* purpose:export a remote blob column to a local directory before running this: 1. a db link established; 2. a material view is established; 3. a local directory is established; */ PROCEDURE REMOTE_BLOB_EXPORT(P_LOCAL_DIRECTORY in varchar2) AS l_id number; l_photo_len number; l_photo blob; l_file UTL_FILE.FILE_TYPE; l_buffer RAW(32767); l_amount BINARY_INTEGER := 32767; l_pos NUMBER := 1; c_photo_ext varchar2(5); l_file_name varchar2(30); BEGIN c_photo_ext :='.png'; --mv_blob_export is the material view getting a blob column via a db link for rec in ( select *from mv_blob_export ) loop l_id:=rec.id; l_photo:=rec.photo; l_photo_len := DBMS_LOB.getlength(l_photo); l_file_name := to_char(l_id)||c_photo_ext; --open file l_file := UTL_FILE.fopen(P_LOCAL_DIRECTORY,l_file_name,'wb',32767); --write file WHILE l_pos < l_photo_len LOOP DBMS_LOB.read(l_photo,l_amount,l_pos,l_buffer); UTL_FILE.put_raw(l_file,l_buffer,TRUE); l_pos := l_pos + l_amount; END LOOP; -- Close the file. UTL_FILE.fclose(l_file); end loop; END REMOTE_BLOB_EXPORT; PROCEDURE host_command (p_command IN VARCHAR2) AS LANGUAGE JAVA NAME 'Host.executeCommand (java.lang.String)'; /* purpose: transfer a file by sftp before running this: 1. a sftp shell script is established */ PROCEDURE SFTP(P_HOST in varchar2,P_FILE_NAME in varchar2) AS l_sftp_prog VARCHAR2(100) := '/tmp/photo_export/sftp.sh'; l_sftp_command VARCHAR2(500); BEGIN l_sftp_command := l_sftp_prog || ' "' || p_host || '" "' || p_user || '" "' || p_passwd || '" "'|| p_local_dir || '" "' || p_file_name||'" "'|| p_remote_dir||'"' ; dbms_output.put_line(l_sftp_command); host_command(l_sftp_command); END SFTP; /* a combine procedure for usage */ PROCEDURE EXPORT_SFTP AS l_LOCAL_DIRECTORY varchar2(30) :='LOCAL_PHOTO_EXPORT'; l_host VARCHAR2(100) := ''; l_user VARCHAR2(100) := ''; l_passwd VARCHAR2(100) := ''; l_remote_dir VARCHAR(500) := '/tmp/photo_export'; l_local_dir VARCHAR2(500) := '/tmp/photo_export'; c_photo_ext varchar2(5):='.png'; l_file_name varchar2(100):='*'||c_photo_ext; BEGIN REMOTE_BLOB_EXPORT(l_LOCAL_DIRECTORY); sftp(l_host,l_user,l_passwd,l_remote_dir,l_local_dir,l_file_name); END EXPORT_SFTP; END FILE_TRANSFER;
- Extract files from an Oracle BLOB fieldhttp://stackoverflow.com/questions/6332032/how-can-i-extract-files-from-an-oracle-blob-field
- SFTP from PLsql https://slobaray.com/2015/09/10/sftp-from-plsql/
- What is SFTP,and how do I use it to transfer fileshttps://kb.iu.edu/d/akqg
- Install Tclhttp://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/view/svn/general/tcl.html
- Install Expecthttp://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/view/svn/general/expect.html