摘一段代码就熟悉多了,是不是基本上就是 PL/sql 的风格,不是Oracle抄袭,是因为它就是牛逼。看百度的介绍:ADA源于美国军方的一个计划,旨在整合美军事系统中运行着上百种不同的程序设计语言。 Ada不仅体现了许多现代软件的开发原理,而且将这些原理付诸实现。同时,Ada语言的使用可大大改善软件系统的清晰性、可靠性、有效性、可维护性。Ada是现有的语言中无与伦比的一种大型通用程序设计语言,它是现代计算机语言的成功代表,集中反映了程序语言研究的成果。Ada的出现,标志着软件工程成功地进入了国家和国际的规模。它是迄今为止最复杂、最完备的软件工具。Ada曾是美国国防部指定唯一可用于军用系统开发的语言。
-- while a is not equal to b,loop. while a /= b loop Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Waiting"); end loop; if a > b then Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Condition met"); else Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Condition not met"); end if; for i in 1 .. 10 loop Ada.Text_IO.Put ("Iteration: "); Ada.Text_IO.Put (i); Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line; end loop; loop a := a + 1; exit when a = 10; end loop; case i is when 0 => Ada.Text_IO.Put ("zero"); when 1 => Ada.Text_IO.Put ("one"); when 2 => Ada.Text_IO.Put ("two"); -- case statements have to cover all possible cases: when others => Ada.Text_IO.Put ("none of the above"); end case; for aWeekday in Weekday'Range loop -- loop over an enumeration Put_Line ( Weekday'Image(aWeekday) ); -- output string representation of an enumeration if aWeekday in Working_Day then -- check of a subtype of an enumeration Put_Line ( " to work for " & Working_Hours'Image (Work_Load(aWeekday)) ); -- access into a lookup table end if; end loop;
PL/sql(Procedural Language/sql)是一种过程化语言, 就是因为ADA这么牛逼,所以Oracle在ADA的基础上对sql语言进行了扩展,才有了今天的PL/sql。百度百科都没说PL/sql是基于ADA的,这个可从Oracle官方查到
PL/sql is based on the programming language Ada. As a result,PL/sql uses a variant of Descriptive Intermediate Attributed Notation for Ada (DIANA),a tree-structured intermediate language. It is defined using a Metanotation called Interface Definition Language (IDL). DIANA is used internally by compilers and other tools.
At compile time,PL/sql source text is translated into system code. Both the DIANA and system code for a subprogram or package are stored in the database. At run time,they are loaded into the shared memory pool. The DIANA is used to compile dependent subprograms; the system code simply runs.
In the shared memory pool,a package specification,ADT specification,standalone subprogram,or anonymous block is limited to 67108864 (2**26) DIANA nodes which correspond to tokens such as identifiers,keywords,operators,and so on. This allows for ~6,000,000 lines of code unless you exceed limits imposed by the PL/sql compiler,some of which are given in Table C-1.
在共享内存中,包的描述,ADT( 个人感觉应该是抽象数据类型,abstract data type )的描述,独立的子程序,无名的程序块会被限制到67108864 (2**26) DIANA节点,这些节点要与标志一致,比如标识符、关键字、运算符等等。它允许~6,000行代码除非你通过PL/sql编译器强加了限制,其他限制见表 Table C-1.
DIANA,the Descriptive Intermediate Attributed Notation for Ada,is an intermediate language used to represent the semantics of an Ada program. It was originally designed as an interface between the front end (syntactic analysis) and middle (semantic analysis) of the compiler on the one hand and the back end (code generation and optimization) on the other. It is also used as an internal representation by other language tools.
DIANA is also used by PL/SQL,which is based on Ada.
DIANA is an abstract data type; its concrete implementations are defined using the IDL specification language.
DIANA descends from TCOL and AIDA,earlier representations of Ada programs.
The Ada-0 subset of Ada at Karlsruhe (1980) was first using AIDA,[1] but later AIDA got replaced by DIANA. The full Karlsruhe Ada compilation system used DIANA as well and the IDL External Representation for marshalling between the middle-end and the code generating back-end.
IDL (Interface Description Language) is a software interface description language (also referred to as Interface Descriptor Language) created by William Wulf and John Nestor of Carnegie Mellon University and David Lamb of Queen's University,Canada.
Like other interface description languages,IDL defined interfaces in a language- and machine- independent way,allowing the specification of interfaces between components written in different languages,and possibly executing on different machines using remote procedure calls.
The Karlsruhe Ada compilation system used IDL resp. DIANA and its predecessor AIDA,[1][2] and for marshalling the vanilla IDL External Representation.
BiiN's DBMS used IDL as well,and for marshalling a more compact binary IDL External Representation.